Helping the Struggling Learner John Larson, M.Ed. Director of Student Support Services Nova Classical Academy
Student Services Collaborative Planning and Implementation of Educational Programming Holding students to high standards but providing the supports to help them be successful Data-Driven Education/Evaluations We want all students to be here!
STUDENT SERVICES AT NOVA To create services and supports to help all students at Nova Classical Academy 1.Special Education English Language 4.RTI 5.School Psychologist (Alyssa Martinson) 6.Parent Meetings student meetings
Services at Nova Classical Academy 1.Before School Homework Club (M-F, 7:30 a.m.) 2.After School Homework Club (Tues. and Thurs. from 3:50-5:00 p.m. 3.Student Services meeting room (#323)
Supports from Nova 1.Homework Club AM: M-F, 7:30-8:30 Computer Lab PM: Tues/Thurs, 3:50-5:00 in Room # Teacher Tutoring Schedule: Please see handout 3.Peer Tutoring: Please contact John Larson 3.
Make Your Student Aware of their needs Depends on age. Who to talk to when they have trouble? Embracing struggles and processing on the next steps
Set Up A Homework Schedule This is a personal choice. Once time is determined, the schedule should be adhered as close as possible. Research says it takes 21 days to form a habit. Majority will lose focus of schedule a before Halloween.
Rank Order Assignments Many students spend a good chunk of their homework time deciding what to do.. Parents help prioritize and gradually pass on to the students (depending on age). Put everything else aside
Do Not(Always) Sit Next To Your Child This creates “learned helplessness.” This same assistance may not be consistent to what is available to them in the classroom. Act as a resource person for the student. Students should always return to their individual work area.
Check the Correct Problems First Mention something they did well first to help build confidence. Provide constructive support on problems that are incorrect.
NEVER LET HOMEWORK DRAG ON! The only thing accomplished by allowing a child to continue to struggle hour after hour is an increased feeling of inadequacy. Contact the teacher, special education teacher. (Have student initiate contact depending on age).
Discuss Questions Before Beginning Discuss ahead of time so the students know what they are looking for when reading. Verbal processing can help with comprehension and building of knowledge
Check Small Groups of Problems Have your student complete 3-5 problems and then they can check with you. This prevents a child from doing an entire assignment incorrectly.
Be Aware of Negative Messages Many examples of body language, tension, raised eyebrows, inattentiveness, verbal frustrations can lead to increased struggles for your student.
AVOID Finishing Assignments for Your Child This is not doing the student any favors. Sometimes it may feel like a better solution for you and your child. (Band Aid) Communicate with the teachers about any specific issues. See Slide #6
Be Aware of Possible Learning Problems Look for patterns Contact Teacher, RTI Team, Principal or Director of Student Services Examples: Constant avoidance, forgetting to bring home assignments, taking long hours to complete, procrastination, low frustration tolerance, labored writing, poor spelling, etc.
Triple P Communication Method Approach situations with staff positively and proactively, and patiently. We will approach you positively and proactively, and patiently. We want to see your students be successful!!! Build a positive, collaborative relationship that focuses on doing what is best for the students.
QUESTION/ANSWER SESSION Rules: Please don’t identify any students directly during questioning. Any individual concerns: Separate Meeting Please understand that I may need some time to research your question.
Resources for Families Nova Classical Academy Website 1.Academics 2.Student Services Study Strategies/Tips Website
Contact Information John Larson, M.Ed. Nova Classical Academy Director of Student Services , Ext. 306