Upgrade Result Approval: CMS and Tracker Frank and Andrea 21/5/14Pixel phase 1 MB1
Upgrade results approval: CMS proposal CMS Upgrade Management has decided to extend to “ALL” Upgrade results the approval process applied to CMS performance results – Pre-approval in the DPG meeting – Approval in a Friday Run Coordination meeting – Results are appended to the Weekly General Meeting agenda the week after in case of last minutes comments – Approved results are posted in a public twiki managed by the DPG: at this point they can be shown in conferences 21/5/14Pixel phase 1 MB2
Some remarks What’s behind the (proposed) approval process: – The results are posted in a stable form for a while before any step: about a couple of weeks long process – The (pre-)approval events have to be advertized widely (hypernews) – Anyone in CMS should be allowed to express its opinion – The (public) official repository helps the speakers and the managers to define the “official” results Present Tracker performance results have always been approved using the CMS rules and everybody seems to be happy about that CMS upgrade managers may not be aware of the wide range of “upgrade results” when they assume that “all” the results have to go through this process The usual problem caused by a formal approval process is that the conference talk is always “in a few days” The usual problem caused by a lack of approval process is that it may happens that wrong, misunderstood or controversial results are presented in a conference and that recovering could be a waste of time 21/5/14Pixel phase 1 MB3
A Tracker counter-proposal? We are thinking about a counter-proposal to be made to the CMS Upgrade manager to reduce the load – We have had many upgrade talks with results since a while and they may not be aware of that – We produce results which would fit in Tracker-only papers: why not a Tracker-only approval? – This proposal should not be too much different, eventually, from the scrutiny of the slides of the talks. The proposal – A lighter, tracker-only, approval process – The definition of a list of results which require only the light approval – But if the phase 1 and phase 2 MB’s want to adopt the CMS rules in all the cases it would be even simpler… 21/5/14Pixel phase 1 MB4
Approval processes The CMS official one The Tracker-only one: – Any L3 (or more)-chaired meeting can host an approval session Upgrade simulation, TK general, DPG, phase 1 or phase 2 general or working meetings But it has to be announced as an approval session via HN – If the results to be approved are posted one week in advance they can be approved during the meeting – If the results are posted too close to the meeting one week waiting time has to be granted to allow for comments. The chair of the meeting will take care of the follow up offline – Once approved the results are posted in an official repository (twiki page). There is no need to have this page public outside CMS No approval but documents posted in the official repository 21/5/14Pixel phase 1 MB5
Result categories POG – tracking; b-tagging upgraded detector performance results: TDR-like, based on CMSSW simulations track multiplicity simulations: with CMSSW, with and without detector effects expected dose simulation relevant test-beam results sensor design: motivations descriptions, parameter tables, processes sensors/chip characterization: electrical, with sources, irradiation sensor/chip characterization: test beam basic detector/sensor/chip (expected) performance from non-CMSSW simulations: TCAD, radiation effect, hit efficiency, charge collection, data losses upgrade detector performance results based on non-CMSSW simulations: thermal/mechanical behaviour,… non-CMSSW simulation validation with non-CMS data tkLayout tool results schedule & plans pictures of set-ups upgraded detector/module/chip layouts: drawings, concept 21/5/14Pixel phase 1 MB6
Summary We need feedback from the Tracker Upgrade MB’s (soon) before replying to the CMS management If agreed we have to start to prepare the official repository with the help of the working group conveners – Anastasia can help if she does not receive (too many) conflicting inputs… 21/5/14Pixel phase 1 MB7