HISTORY OF UK 2. The Anglo-Saxon Period Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika Kód ITMS projektu: Názov projektu: Kvalitou vzdelávania otvárame brány VŠ Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: VIII.OA Tematický celok: Reálie anglicky hovoriacich krajín Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum: 5/2015
Obsah 1.The Anglo-Saxon Period (mid 5th century-1066) 2.Quick Quiz 2
The Anglo-Saxon Period 3 the middle of the 5th century the Angles, Saxons(both Germans) and Jutes (later) invaded Britain - The Dark Age
4 The Anglo-Saxon Period - Angles settled in the east and Saxons in the southeast
The Anglo-Saxon Period 5 The legend of King Arthur A.D During the early struggle with the invaders, the Arthurian legend was born - About A.D.500, at the Battle of Badon a Christian Celt (later called King Arthur) defeated Anglo-Saxons
6 The Anglo-Saxon Period - he pulled his sword Excalibur from a stone - Queen Guinevere fell in love with the knight Lancelot - He was sitting with his knights at the Round Table at Camelot - His knights searched for the Holy Grail The legend of King Arthur
7 The Anglo-Saxon Period - the invaders conquered the Celts and drove them to the west of the country (Wales, Cornwall) and to the north (Scotland)
8 The Anglo-Saxon Period - the largest part of England was occupied by the Angles – after whom the coutry was called England (in Old English Engla–land – land of Angles – began to be used after 1000) - the language of the country – Anglo-Saxon or Old English – ( a Germany languge)
9 The Anglo-Saxon Period - the religion of the country – Christianity – from 2 ways -1) 432 Irish were converted by St. Patric -2) 597 St. Augustine (the Roman missionary) came to England – became the first Archbishop of Canterbury
10 The Anglo-Saxon Period - from the 8th century – the Vikings (known as Danes or Norsemen) invaded Britain Scandinavian invaders
11 The Anglo-Saxon Period - England under the rule of the Anglo-Saxons was divided into seven kingdoms: 1)Wessex 2)Sussex 3)Essex 4)Kent 5)East Anglia 6)Northumbria 7)Mercia
12 The Anglo-Saxon Period all the kingdoms were united – by Ecgbert, King of Wesses – the first King of England - Alfred the Great – the best known among Saxon kings – 1) translated book from Latin into Old English 2) made peace with Danes - King Canute (Danish) – conquered whole England for 25 years ( ) - Edward the Confessor – in exile in Normandy (France) ruled country for 24 years (till 1066), when he died childless, the Witan (council) chose his brother-in-law-King Harold
13 The Anglo-Saxon Period - Edward the Confessor – his main interest was – Wesminister Abbey - when it was consetrated, king was too ill to atend it and died few days later - the shrine of St Edward the Confessor, the tombs of kings and queens, setting for every Coronation,royal occasions, including 16 royal weddings.
14 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER a) the Angles b) the Saxons c) the Vikings Who didn´t invaded Britain in the middle of the 5th century?
15 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Who was the country England called after and why? a) the Saxons b) the Jutes c) the Angles
16 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Who brought Christianity to England during A-S period? a) St. Patric b) St. Augustine c) St. David
17 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER When did the Vikings invade Britain? a) from the 6th century b) from the 8th century c) from the 7th century
18 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Who was the first king of England? a) Edward the Confessor b) Ecgbert c) Alfred the Great
19 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER How many kingdoms did the King Ecgbert unite? a) six b) seven c) eight
20 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Who was the last King of Anglo-Saxon period? a) Alfred the Great b) Edward the Confessor c) Harold
history/abbey-history history/abbey-history anglo-saxon-notes anglo-saxon-notes VESELÝ, K.: The English speaking countries – Reálie anglicky mluvícíh zemí. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství s. 21 POUŽITÉ ZDROJE