Beta Retreat Training Evening
General Guidelines
Integrating the best of Beta and Cleansing Stream
General Guidelines Integrating the best of Beta and Cleansing Stream Key people: team leaders/ prayer team/ worship/ host team/ worship
General Guidelines Integrating the best of Beta and Cleansing Stream Key people: team leaders/ prayer team/ worship/ host team/ worship Guests: mixture of people from Peterborough and Leicester (About 100)
General Guidelines Integrating the best of Beta and Cleansing Stream Key people: team leaders/ prayer team/ worship/ host team/ worship Guests: mixture of people from Peterborough and Leicester (About 100) Outline for the day – but stay flexible
General Guidelines Some subjects lead to one to one ministry; others corporate ministry.
General Guidelines Some subjects lead to one to one ministry; others corporate ministry. Remember – Repent – Renounce – Break - Bless
General Guidelines Some subjects lead to one to one ministry; others corporate ministry. Remember – Repent – Renounce – Break - Bless Open opportunities for one to one prayer – please use cards for extended ministry
General Guidelines Usual etiquette applies – team captains/ smile/ minty breath/ side on/ eyes open...
1. Healing the Orphan Heart
Short teach
1. Healing the Orphan Heart Short teach Corporate front led ministry
1. Healing the Orphan Heart Short teach Corporate front led ministry Notes in booklet for 121 ministry
1. Healing the Orphan Heart Short teach Corporate front led ministry Notes in booklet for 121 ministry Especially look out for lies people have believed and the truth that trumps it.
1. Healing the Orphan Heart Short teach Corporate front led ministry Notes in booklet for 121 ministry Especially look out for lies people have believed and the truth that trumps it. Primarily about healing.
2. Perfect Love drives out all Fear
Short teach
2. Perfect Love drives out all Fear Short teach Corporate front led ministry
2. Perfect Love drives out all Fear Short teach Corporate front led ministry Notes in booklet for 121 ministry
2. Perfect Love drives out all Fear Short teach Corporate front led ministry Notes in booklet for 121 ministry Encourage people to take back the ground that fear has robbed from them.
2. Perfect Love drives out all Fear Short teach Corporate front led ministry Notes in booklet for 121 ministry Encourage people to take back the ground that fear has robbed from them. Healing from memories.
3. Freedom from Unforgiveness
3. Freedom from Unforgiveness Teach Write out list of names
3. Freedom from Unforgiveness Teach Write out list of names Corporate prayer
3. Freedom from Unforgiveness Teach Write out list of names Corporate prayer 121 ministry – cross off names – rip up – anyone specific to forgive? - lead in prayer – break - bless
4. Freedom from the occult
4. Freedom from the occult Teach Corporate prayer
4. Freedom from the occult Teach Corporate prayer 121 ministry if necessary
4. Freedom from the occult Teach Corporate prayer 121 ministry if necessary Confirm and repeat – repent, renounce and break then receive blessing
5. Freedom from shame
5. Freedom from shame Teach Corporate prayer of repentance
5. Freedom from shame Teach Corporate prayer of repentance 121 ministry – hands soaked in water – anything specific? – cleanse face – use oil to pray for freedom – gift from Holy Spirit?
6. Purity
6. Purity Teach Write list of soul ties
6. Purity Teach Write list of soul ties Corporate repentance
6. Purity Teach Write list of soul ties Corporate repentance 121 ministry – stand back - cross off names – rip up, stamp on – specific? – lead in repentance prayer – break – pray for soul restoration
Team time
Team time Modelling Questions and answers