Pajama Day 2015
Day to De-Stress Relax, Share, Consider Dream
We work hard And it matters…all of it So today we rest a bit And consider
Proviso: When you give, don't let your left hand know what you're right hand is doing… Your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you
What were the stressors? What did you struggle with?
What has God shown you? Or…what is he showing/ teaching you right now?
Who we are… Christmas is about God Reclaiming what's His And entrusting it to People who know it's His
2 Church Models: - Attractional: Come and see - Discipleship: Go and be
Attractional (seeker): Church is for unbelievers On Sunday mornings Find out what they want And offer it
Music Pragmatic Messages Feel good no matter what
Weaknesses: Worship may be supplanted
Weaknesses: Discipleship can be lost
Weaknesses: When God doesn't "work"
Weaknesses: Meat and controversy= no!
Weaknesses: Creates "Christian Consumers" "Where do you want me, God?"
Weaknesses: Is not NT Biblical
Discipleship Model: Church is the gathering of God's people on Sunday morning Find out what God says And follow it
Acts 2: Discipleship Worship Fellowship Prayer
Goal: Grow and send So that the gospel goes through Disciples to people Who would never seek out or Attend a church meeting
Open to unbelievers But geared to grow and send Very biblical
Weaknesses: Evangelism Can be inaccessible to seekers May not be as welcoming
Both want small groups: Caring, sharing, fellowship Spiritual growth Less 1 Person-Centered= Greater Growth for All
2 Adult Youth Children Women's and Men's Fellowship Worship Team Close-ended Theology Group = 8 Total Small Groups
Spiritual/Formational: 2 Adult, Youth, Children Theology Fellowship/Sharing/Caring: Women's, Men's, Worship
Future: Group for Potential Leaders/ Facilitators Trust, Truth/Words Unity-oriented, Mature No agenda but serving
Layman Church Core: Authentic (which is messy) Alternative: People hide and put-on Things don't get dealt with So sin thrives, lives destroyed
Core Values: (Who we are, hills we die on) Love, Unity, Faith Commitment, Freedom, Change
"It's OK to not be OK It's not OK to stay that way" And those most in danger Are the ones who think they're In a position to correct Everyone else
Defining a Win (3 Things)
Defining a Win: When someone lives Measurably different because Christ has changed their heart And they desire to glorify Him
Defining a Win: When someone lives Intentionally, looking to Influence people for Christ And bring them to salvation
Defining a Win: When the de-churched/turned- off to/hurt by, Find a home At Layman and become a part of The Layman family
We Desire to Be: Healing Place where people Find identity in Christ And acceptance in the Family Challenging/Upsetting Place (Else you never grow)
Defines what we will And won't do It defines what things Are good and right and What things need to be rejected
For years: "If someone comes from another church and says, 'I love it here! Now…change to be like what I thing church should be,' This isn't the church for them"
Future: Continually point to Jesus- unity And Growth in Christ - Give grace and challenge those who won't give grace - Legalism and holding it against others won't work here
Future: Point gossips to the right person Rather than listening at all Seek to encourage one another Continually And use gifts for our King
Always Seek out Jesus - Transformational Children And Youth Ministries (not mere morality) - Increase our reach for Christ
Refuse to budge On Core Values
As a church It's all his We seek to serve him As he leads us And to be faithful with what He entrusts to us
Questions, Comments Disagreements
Next Week