November 13, 2007 BCC PUBLIC HEARING ON BZA #VA , 10/4/07 APPLICANT/APPELLANT: Edgar Villanueva
BACKGROUND CASE:#VA APPLICANT:Edgar Villanueva REQUEST:Variances for detached accessory buildings as follows: 1) Cumulative square footage of 3, sq. ft. in lieu of 2, 000 sq. ft. (garage, horse stable, and feed/tack barn) 2) Height: Stable 18 ft. & feed/tack barn 19 ft. in lieu of 15 ft. Variance to allow horse training arena 2 ft. from side lot line and 15 ft. from rear lot line in lieu of 30 ft. TRACT SIZE:4.5 acres ZONING:A-2 LOCATION:North side Whispering Pines Rd., one mile east of Boggy Creek Rd. DISTRICT:#4
STAFF ANALYSIS 1.Case is a result of Code Enforcement action. Horse stable and feed/tack barn built without permits. Stable is complete. Feed/tack barn in the initial stage of construction (foundation, support columns, partial walls). 2. Breakdown of building sizes and heights: Garage: 900 sq. ft. Horse stable: 1, 335 sq. ft. Height: 18 ft. Feed/tack barn: 1, sq. ft. Height: 19 ft.
BZA FINDINGS 1.Some BZA members reasoned all the applicant’s Variances should be approved based on the large size of the property and because it is located in a country-like atmosphere. 2.Opposing BZA members disagreed: Request not meeting variance criteria Code Violation Size of Feed/Tack Barn (feed/tack could be accommodated in stable) Feed/Tack Barn in early phase of construction 3.There was no opposition present at the public hearing. hearing.
BZA RECOMMENDATION Approved Variances as follows: Approved Variances as follows: 1. Approved Variance request to allow cumulative square 1. Approved Variance request to allow cumulative square footage of 2,235 sq. ft. for garage (900 sq. ft.) and horse stable (1,335 sq. f t.) 2. Approved Variance request to allow 18 ft. of building height for horse stable. height for horse stable. 3. Approved Variance request to allow training arena 2 ft. from side (east) lot line & 15 ft. from rear lot line on north. 4.Denied Feed/Tack Barn with associated height Variance of 19 feet (4 in favor, 3 opposed)
APPLICANT’S APPEAL Mr. Villanueva’s purpose of appeal: Approval of Feed/Tack Barn (1,407.5 sqft, 19 feet high) instead of incorporating feed/tack in the horse stable.
BCC ACTION REQUESTED ACTION REQUESTED: Uphold the BZA recommendation as stated.
November 13, 2007 BCC PUBLIC HEARING ON BZA # VA , 10/4/07 APPLICANT/APPELLANT: Edgar Villanueva