IET 120 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Name: Jesse Webb-Greenhill
Dwelling Two Floors
Square Footage Total Sq. Ft.(with walls included) = sq. ft. Livable Sq. Ft. = sq. ft. Individual Living Quarters = 12x20 = 240 sq. ft.
Location Greenville, Texas; Highway 35; 14 total acres
Building Materials CalStar energy efficient bricks, oak lumber, aluminum roofing not only make the home more green but in the correct combination add aesthetic accents to the housing unit. The Calstar energy efficient bricks cost as much as regular bricks but are less environmentally damaging than market bricks while keeping the same look and ease of instillation. Through research into Green Building techniques I have found a couple energy efficient materials including insulation as well as drywall that are more environmentally friendly than most other methods.
Building Materials Metal Roofing, Fiberglass Cisterns, Solar Panels, among other “Green” materials help cut cost as well as maintenance on the housing unit. Through the combination of Metal Roofing and Cisterns the house is going to be able to collect rainwater that will in turn be used by the residents of the house. The solar panels will assist in powering the large facility. The bricks, insulation, and drywall used will work in keeping the house at a steady temperature, trapping in cool air and heat depending on the time of year.
Floor Plan Layout I currently live in Mignon Tower with three other men, we live in on roughly 12 x 25 sq. ft. and share a toilet & shower. We have had no problems with the amount of space we have. Using this information I planned to have the 12x20 rooms be 4 person occupancy with bunked beds to save the most room. Each room is also equipped with a separate toilet and shower area meaning that each student would share these facilities with 3 other students. Secondly, each main room has two sinks, four free-standing dressers, a 4 seat table, a mini-refrigerator, microwave, coffeemaker, and shelving.
Floor Plan Layout As far as commons area is concerned I have planned to have two large five piece couches allowing for upwards to twenty people to sit, and multiple televisions arranged on walls to accompany multiple people at once. The kitchen is equipped with three stoves, two freezers, two refrigerators, two double basin sinks with garbage disposal, and cabinets and counters for preparing and storing. The laundry room is equipped with six washers and six dryers to accommodate the need for such equipment.
Timeline Excavation Mid-May 2012-Mid-June 2012 Foundation, Piers, Flatwork Rough Hardware Rough Carpentry Insulation Mid-June 2012-Late-June 2012 Exterior Finish Exterior Trim Doors Finished by end June 2012 Windows Finish Hardware Early July 2012 Roofing, Flashing, Fascia Early July 2012 Finish Carpentry Early to Mid-July 2012 Interior Wall Finish Mid to Late-July 2012 Painting Late July 2012-Early August 2012 Wiring Lighting Fixtures Flooring Early August 2012 Carpeting Mid August 2012 Bath Accessories Mid August 2012 Shower & Tub Enclosure Late August 2012 Countertops Early September 2012 Cabinets Early September 2012 Built In Appliances Mid September Plumbing Rough-in and Connection Mid September-Mid October Plumbing Fixtures Heating and Cooling Systems Mid October – Late October Final Clean-upLate October – Early November Final Move-inEarly November (November 10, 2012)
Conclusion Initially I will admit that this project in particular was daunting, I struggled with the details of how to go about the timeline and budget. However, through research I was able to locate information that assisted me in both aspects. This project gave the much needed experience in using CAD software. Most of the designs were done in AutoCAD 2010, a software that beforehand, I had no experience. Lastly, I discovered just how much detail and work went into planning the construction of anything on this scale.