1 Poster Preparation Cathy M Buyea, MS October 27,2008 1/12/2016
Your Poster Ideally starts with a complete manuscript Abstract is written following completion of the study Poster is a brief visual display of the entire study 1/12/2016 2
Software: Publisher, Power Point, Illustrator Review all requirements before creating the poster size, font, background, pictures (jpeg, pif, etc) Prepare all tables, graphs and images prior to creating the poster Use images to create interest and explain the study and results Save as PDF file and print on one page to review prior to printing full poster 1/12/2016 3
4 x 4 poster font size guidelines Title: 55 font Author: 50 font Institution: 45 font Organizational titles: 48 font (color) Text: 40 font 1/12/2016 4
Layout Personal preference (after following guidelines given) One of hundreds of posters – need to attract the attention of the reader Should read title, look at poster and have an idea of the study (this first look is often what determines if the study is of interest to the reader) 1/12/2016 5
Layout 16 square feet of text is not interesting! 1/12/2016 6
9 PROJECT TITLE Authors and affiliations (resident’s name in bold), terminal degrees, sponsor’s name if not an author. Abstract Same as that submitted with application (250 word limit). Intro Why study this topic? State issue/problem. Cite literature. Description of methods. Results/Data (Any or all of the following) ChartsGraphs TablesPhotos Conclusion/ Summary Significance of research and findings. Shortcomings and future directions. Acknowledgements The lab, technicians, funding source(s), etc.
PROJECT TITLE Authors Affilitations Intro Methods Results xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * REFERENCES 1/12/
On Campus Poster Printing Tecla Atkinson X2 foot printer $4.00 a linear foot Must have an account # or a P.O. for billing Power Point slides – not one large slide, Illustrator – actual poster size 4 X 4 poster = $32.00 tape or pin center line – exact match 1/12/
On Campus Poster Printing (con’t) Doug McCallum 829 – foot printer, unlimited length $4.00 per square foot Must have an account number or P.O. for billing Power Point (set page size up to 54in), Illustrator, Publisher 4 X 4 Poster = $64.00 (no seams) 1/12/