Where’s the SPICE?
What is Geography? Geography--ancient Greek for “Earth description” 2 types of Geography: physical--studies the surface of the earth landforms, rivers, climate, etc. cultural (human)--studies human interaction on earth language, religion, food, economics, medicine
Where’s the SPICE? SPICE is not something you cook with... Social Political Interaction Cultural Economic *All societies can be studied with, “Where’s the Spice?”
Where’s the?? Where is the civilization located? Can you find it on a map? Are there mountains, rivers, oceans around? Absolute Location Exact spot of the place on the globe. Example: Dallas, Texas is located at latitude 39°N and longitude 96°W Cottle Avenue, San Jose, CA Relative Location Locate a place, using another place. Examples: Morgan Hill is south of San Jose. Her house is next to WGHS
Dallas, Texas
Santa Cruz is at the end of Highway 17
Social Development and changes of social structures. How do societies group people? Ex: Social classes, by age, gender, race, feudalism What are the rules for interacting with each other? Ex: Can you marry anyone? Can you hang out with anyone? How are families structured? Ex: Do different family members have different responsibilities or jobs?
Political State building, expansion, and conflicts. Types of governments Nations: territories & countries. Nationalism: Having pride in your own country. Revolts, wars, takeovers Revolutions: the overthrowing of a government.
Interaction Interaction between humans and the environment. How people effect the environment Housing, parking lots, farmland, etc. How the environment effects people Clothes, barriers (deserts, mountains), living conditions (tile vs. carpet) How or why they change it Clearing land, drilling for oil, building a well, etc Consequences Global Warming & other environmental issues.
Migration Population & diseases Where people chose to live
Cultural Development and interaction of cultures. Religions, belief systems & philosophies Holidays & rituals Science & technology Art & Architecture
Economic Creation, expansion and interaction of economic systems. How do countries get the things that they need? Do they trade? Borrow? Steal? How do people get what they need? Does the government provide things for them? Do they need to buy it themselves? How do people make a living? Agricultural (farming) vs merchants (selling things) Industrialization: When country mass produces goods for their people using factories.