Consult 21 Update - Agenda Consult21 Steering Board Remit Membership Detail Recent and Future Meetings Programme Plans Nigel Scott 13 th December 04
Consult21 Steering Board Terms of Reference To set objectives and agree deliverables for Consult21 industry working groups taking into account Ofcom policy. To review progress against objectives and take action where necessary to ensure progress is made and/or deliverables redefined. To be the formal linkage with other activity such as TSG and NCC and Ofcom. To ensure that non-active industry members are informed about progress on 21CN industry negotiations Scope To create, manage and own a framework within which industry and BT can agree on 21CN interoperability and consult on the development of next generation products and services, including access and interconnection products with their associated contracts, timeline etc, taking account of Ofcom policy, BT’s network capability and industry requirements. This is a draft to assist discussion
Steering Board Membership 3 BT members will be present BT Wholesale (co-chair) / BT Group BT Retail 7 Industry Members will be selected by the co-chairs to ensure representative cross section of industry Co-chair / 2 Altnets / Cable operator / Mobile Operator / ISP / Service Provider Each Industry member will have an ‘Alternate Partner’ To attend meetings if the Industry Member is unavailable Industry members and their Alternates will act as the Community of Interest for their sector Industry members and the Alternates may be rotated informally within their community of interest
Consult21 Steering Board Membership Full Industry membersAlternate Partners AOLFrance Telecom (Orange/Wanadoo) Cable & WirelessEnergis Centrica TelecomSpitfire (& UKFSPA) TelewestNTL THUS plcYour Communications VodafoneO2 Co-Chair Huw Saunders (Kingston)
Recent and Future Events / Workshops Meeting / Working GroupDate Keynote Event30 Nov 04 LLU3 Dec 04 Trials7 Dec 04 Standard Contract Forum13 Dec 04 Legacy Interconnect17 Dec 04 Next Generation Interconnect (MSAN)W/c 10/1/05 SystemsW/c 10/1/05 TrialsW/c 10/1/05 Industry Steering Board12 Jan 05 BB/LLUW/c 17/1/05 Private Circuits and PPCW/c 17/1/05 Network Hooks and Common CapabilitiesW/c 17/1/05 Next Generation Interconnect including NumberingW/c 24/1/05 Legacy InterconnectW/c 24/1/05
Example Plan: Legacy Interconnect Key: Decisi on Point Planned Decision Point Activity Boundarie s Estimated Activity Boundaries Concept: BT setting the scene (current thinking), customers providing ad-hoc input. An iterative process. Proposal: Outline suggestions to elicit detailed industry comment Offer: BT's Formal commercial proposal Consult21 Qtr 3Qtr 4Qtr 1Qtr 2 Activity Oct-04Nov-04Dec-04Jan-05Feb-05Mar-05Apr-05 May- 05Jun-05 Jul- 05 Aug- 05 Sep Product Migration - Legacy Interconnect Concept Proposal Offer Key Milestone/Event NCC CONTRACT AMENDMENT DLE
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