Chapter 14 Section 5 Objective: To understand the executive agencies and the role of the cabinet.
A. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) 1. The EOP is an umbrella agency made up of several separate offices and staffed by the President’s closest advisers and assistants. 2. It includes the Chief of Staff, the Counsel to the President, the Press Secretary, and expert advisers in many areas.
B. The National Security Council (NSC) 1. The NSC advises the President on all matters of national security – foreign and domestic. 2. Its members include the Vice President, the Secretaries of Defense and State, the director of the CIA, and the Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – also NSA and HS.
C. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 1. The OMB is a powerful agency who’s major task is to prepare the annual federal budget. 2. It also monitors the spending of funds appropriated by Congress and oversees the management of the Executive branch.
D. The Office of National Drug Control Policy 1. This office prepares an annual drug control policy. 2. It coordinates the efforts of more than 50 federal agencies involved in the war on drugs (i.e. ATF, DEA..) led by the country’s drug czar.
E. The Council of Economic Advisers 1. The Council of Economic Advisers consists of three top economists, appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. 2. It is the President’s chief source of information and advice on the economy.
F. Other Units in the Executive Office 1. The office of policy development advises the President on domestic matters. 2. The National Space Council advises on the nation’s civil and military efforts in space and is chaired by the vice president. 3. The council on environmental quality is concerned with all environmental matters.
4. The office of United States trade representative advises on foreign trade. 5. The national critical materials council advises on critical natural resources related to national security. 6. The Office of Science and Technology Policy advises on all scientific, engineering, and technological issues. 7. The Office of Administration provides support services for the executive office.
G. The Cabinet 1. The President appoints cabinet members, who must be confirmed by the Senate. 2. Many factors, both political and substantive, influence the selection of cabinet officials. Most cabinet members have been white males A few women and members of minority groups have been cabinet members in recent decades. Members are almost exclusively from the same party as the President.
3. Each cabinet member heads one of the 15 executive departments and serves as an adviser to the President. 4. Presidents vary in the use they make of their cabinet…remember, they serve at the pleasure of the President.