Drawing Comic Panels - Pencils 0 Start by drawing stick figures in the rough poses you will use. Since the drawing will be revised several times at this stage, an eraseable medium such as pencil or white-board marker is essential.
Drawing Comic Panels - Pencils 1 Go over your stick figure drawing again, adding rough details of the characters’ uniforms and faces etcetera - you can then rub out the remains of the stick figures. Rough details of back- grounds can also be added.
Drawing Comic Panels - Pencils 2 Go over the rough pencils a second time, tightening up details which look out of place or which need more work. Once you are happy with the pencilled version of the drawing, rub out the remainder of the rough pencils to avoid confusion later. Spot pictures such as these generally fade out at the edges, so draw a rough line where the finished drawing will end.
Drawing Comic Panels - Inking Now that you are happy with the pencil drawing, it can be made permanent - and easier to reproduce - by going over it with black ink. Since only solid black and paper white were available in ink printing, mid-range shades such as shadows have to be made by hatching lines of ink. Once the inking is finished, you can erase the last traces of the pencil drawing.
Drawing Comic Panels - Shading If there is plenty of time available, you can use hatching lines to colour in the khaki shades of the uniforms - be aware this typically takes longer than the whole ink drawing stage!