1.Reflected by aerosols (dust particles, water droplets) (6%) 2. Reflected by clouds (20%) 3. Reflected by Earth’s surface (4%) 4. Absorbed by clouds (3%) 5. Absorbed by Earth (51%) 6. Absorbed by Ozone, water vapor, dust (16%)
C. Factors that effect the amount/ rate of heating Angle And Duration Of Insolation LandVs.Water Land heats and cools faster than water 2.
3. Color Dark / BlackWhite / Light Black heats faster than white 4.Texture SmoothRoughVs. Rough surfaces heat faster
Why does water heat up slower than land? 1. Specific Heat: Water has a HIGHER SPECIFIC HEAT, therefore takes more calories of heat to change temperature. MaterialSpecific Heat (in Joules/gram- 0 C) Water – Liquid4.18 Water – Solid2.11 Water – Gas2.00 Dry Air1.01 Basalt0.84 Granite0.79 Iron0.45 Copper0.38 Lead0.13
2. Transparency:
3. Convection:
4. Evaporation:
The Greenhouse Effect
Latitude Season NorthSouth Latitude March June Sept Dec 21 F. Length of day light (duration) changes with the seasons and with latitude
G. Angle of Isolation (sunlight) and Heating of Earth’s Surface
The intensity (strength) of isolation is greatest when: sunlight (insolation) is perpendicular to the surface- striking at 90 degrees Because: the sunlight is concentrated in the smallest possible area As the angle of insolation increases, the intensity of insolation increases.
H. Factors Affecting the Angle and Intensity of Insolation 1.Shape of the Earth: As latitude increases, the angle of insolation decreases, and the intensity of insolation decreases.
2. Season of the Year a. As Earth travels along its orbital path around the Sun, the angle of insolation at a given latitude changes with the seasons. This depends on how far a given latitude is from the direct rays of Sun. The direct rays migrate between the and the Tropic of CancerTropic of Capricorn. Location of Direct Ray: Date: Season: Capricorn Dec 21 st Winter Equator Mar/Sep 21 st Equinox Cancer June 21 st Summer
b. Maximum angle of isolation at 12 Noon for mid N.Y.S. (latitude 43 degrees North) 1. Dec degrees- low angle, low intensity 2. Mar/Sept degrees- medium angle, medium intensity 3. June degrees- high angle, high intensity
3. Time of Day a. The angle of insolation changes in the course of one day. Maximum intensity occurs at noon.
b. Looking South The Shadow of a vertical pole indicates how the angle of insolation changes during the day. The higher/greater the angle of insolation, the shorter the shadow, and the greater the intensity of insolation. S N E W
VII. Seasons of the Year A.Causes: B. Earth’s axis is tilted 23.5 degrees relative to the plane of its orbit Earth revolves around the Sun Earth’s tilted/inclined on its axis 23.5 degrees Earth’s axis always points in the same direction
Equator Tropic of Cancer Tr opic of Capricorn 0 o 23 ½ o N 23 ½ o S Antarctic Circle 66 ½ o S 66 ½ o N Arctic Circle
C. Earth revolves around the Sun in a yearly cycle of _________ days D. As Earth revolves, It’s axis always points in the same direction September 22 Autumnal equinox December 21 Winter Solstice June 21 Summer Solstice March 21 Spring Equinox 365 ¼
D. As Earth revolves, its axis always points in the same direction- parallelism of axis
E. The apparent path of the sun changes with the seasons and with latitude. NYS – 43 degrees latitude E SN W
E. The apparent path of the sun changes with the seasons and with latitude. Equator – 0 0 Degrees E SN W
N.Y.S vs. Equator