Megan Esperti and Jeff Karabin
Hoping to bring soccer to the world through the distribution of our one of a kind soccer balls.
CSX rail cars (National Distribution) Hybrid FedEx (Local Distribution)
1 gallon of fuel = 423 – 430 miles (1 ton of freight) Most fuel efficient train. Will bring product from factory to warehouse (nationally).
325 hybrid trucks/ 1,800 alternative fuel trucks Improves fuel economy by 42%. Reduces greenhouse gases by 25%. Has saved 83,000 gallons of fuel/ eliminated 950 tons of green house gases.
Fuel-less cargo plane / solar panel cargo ship (worldly). The Mule M150 (nationally / locally).
Rises using compressed hot air. Uses gravity in flight. Powered by sunlight. Cargo held within the ship, not on top.
Electric delivery truck (local). Made through Bolgon Corp, South California. Runs purely on electricity.