PHYSIC experiments, measurements and mathematical analysis with the purpose of finding quantitative physical laws for everything from the nanoworld to the planets, solar systems and galaxies. Physics is a natural science based on Radioactivity refers to the particles which are emitted from nuclei as a result of nuclear instability and emit some kind of radiation. The most common types of radiation are called alpha, beta, and gamma radiation Therefore,there are many experiments about physic that can we observed. For an example radioactive experiment.
RADIOACTIVITY RADIOACTIVITY PARTICLE ARE EMITTED—FROM NUCLEI—CAUSED BY NUCLEAR INSTABILITY--& IT EMITTED RADIATION RADIATION EMISSION OF ENERGY---IN THE FORM OF WAVES. TYPES OF RADIATION alpha, beta, and gamma. ALPHA RADIATION is a stream of alpha particles positively charged. They're fairly large, which means they have a [ difficult time] getting through materials [clothes and paper] Alpha radiation is not able to penetrate skin. Alpha-emitting materials can be harmful to humans if the materials are inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through open wounds.
BETA RADIATION is a stream of beta particles, which are negatively charged. These particles can more easily penetrate materials like clothes, and they can even get deep into your skin where they can do harm to your cells. But they can be blocked with denser materials like aluminum. GAMMA RADIATION is high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays have no charge but have A LOT of energy; more energy than even visible light or X-rays. Because of this, they are able to pass right through most materials, making them quite dangerous. But they can't penetrate very dense materials like lead, which is why you may be given a lead vest for protection in a hospital or laboratory
RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS ARE NATURAL Most people think of radioactive materials as harmful, man-made materials, but quite the opposite is true. In fact, most radioactive material occur naturally in the enviroment and have been around much longer than humans! Most of the radiation we are exposed to on earth comes from the sun and stars in outer space. We are constantly bombarded with this radiation but we are partially protected from it by the atmosphere around us.
Radiation also comes from other things like rock and mineral. Because of this, those who live in houses made of brick,concrete, or stone receive a greater amount of radiation than those who live in houses made of wood. Believe it or not your body is also a culprit of radiation.
ADVANTAGES OF RADIOACTIVE CANCER TREATMENT: Gamma rays are capable of passing deep inside the body and damage cells on their travels. But as well as causing cancer, they can be used to kill off cancer cells and even cure people from this illness. This treatment is called radiotherapy. Cobalt-60 is commonly used to kill cancer cells. The idea is to aim accurately at these cells with the correct strength. KILLING MICROBES: Gamma rays successfully kill microbes that cause food to decay. So food treated with this radiation have a longer shelf life. Surgical instruments and syringes are also treated with gamma rays, in order, to prevent infections been transferred from patient to patient.
TRACERS: a geiger counter is an instrument that measures radiation. if radioisotopes are added to oil or gas, engineers can follow the radioisotope, and trace any leaks in oil or gas pipes. CARBON DATING: when an animal or plant dies it stops taking in carbon. but its carbon-14 content continues to decay. if we compare the carbon-14 with that from a living thing, and knowing the half-life of carbon-14, the age of animal and plant remains can be calculated. this is known as carbon dating.
DISADVANTAGES OF RADIOACTIVE radioisotopes can only be created by nuclear reactors, making them very expensive to obtain. Special reactors are maintained by many countries. radioisotopes decay over a fixed time span, which means they will remain radioactive after use, and require special disposal. radioisotopes may produce dangerous levels of ionising radiation, which in sufficient doses can lead to illness or death.
HOW TO RESPOND TO RADIATION THREAT Understand from the outset that to limit the amount of radiation you are exposed to, you will need to focus on three things – time, distance and shielding. Time: Minimize the time spent exposed to reduce your risk. Distance: Get yourself away from the source Shielding: If you have a thick shield between yourself and the radioactive materials more of the radiation will be absorbed, and you will be exposed to less.
Getting away from the contaminated area must take place quickly If you are in a larger geographical area that has been exposed to radiation,, otherwise you will need to take other preventive measures. After an explosion, if you can't get away quickly (and safely), try this way: -Close windows and doors. Turn off air conditioners, heaters or other ventilation systems.
If you are already inside, check to see if your building has been damaged but shelter in place. If your building is stable, stay where you are. If there is an explosion near where you are or you are warned of a radiation release inside your very building, cover your nose and mouth and go outside immediately. Clean up quickly. If you think you have been exposed to radiation, take off your clothes and wash them as soon as possible.
Eat food and drink liquids that are covered. Any food or drink that has been left out in the open has potentially been exposed to radiation and may not be safe. Stay where you are and keep informed Watch TV, listen to the radio, or check the Internet for official news as it becomes available. The indoor sheltering time for a dirty bomb is relatively short, about 30 minutes to a few hours, dependent on local weather conditions and other factors authorities will inform you about