1. Is the temperature of the warmest month [Tmax] less than 10° C? Go to POLAR 2. Is the accumulated annual precipitation [Pann] less than 10 x Pth? Go to ARID 3. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] more than or equal to 18° C? Go to EQUATORIAL 4. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] less than 18 °C but more than -3° C? Go to WARM TEMPERATE 5. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] less than or equal to - 3° C? Go to SNOW
1. Is [Tmax] less than 0° C? FROST (F) 2. Is [Tmax] more than 0° C but less than 10° C? TUNDRA (T) Possible Polar Climate Classifications Polar Frost (EF) Polar Tundra (ET) Possible Polar Climate Classifications Polar Frost (EF) Polar Tundra (ET)
Possible Arid Climate Classifications Arid Steppe Cold (BSk) Arid Steppe Hot (BSh) Arid Desert Cold (BWk) Arid Dessert Hot (BWh) Possible Arid Climate Classifications Arid Steppe Cold (BSk) Arid Steppe Hot (BSh) Arid Desert Cold (BWk) Arid Dessert Hot (BWh) 1. Is [Pann] more than 5 x Pth? STEPPE (S) Then go to 3 2. Is [Tmax] more than 0° C but less than 10° C? DESERT (W) Then go to 3
1. Is [Pmin] more than or equal to 60 mm? RAINFOREST FULLY HUMID (f) 2. Is [Pann] less than or equal to 5 x Pth? MONSOONAL (m) 3. Is [Psmin] less than or equal to 60 mm? SAVANNAH SUMMER DRY (s) 4. Is [Pwmin] less than or equal to 60 mm? SAVANNAH WINTER DRY (w) Possible Equatorial Climate Classifications Equatorial Rainforest Fully Humid (Af) Equatorial Monsoon (Am) Equatorial Savannah Summer Dry (As) Equatorial Savannah Winter Dry (Aw) Possible Equatorial Climate Classifications Equatorial Rainforest Fully Humid (Af) Equatorial Monsoon (Am) Equatorial Savannah Summer Dry (As) Equatorial Savannah Winter Dry (Aw)
Possible Warm Temperate Climate Classifications Warm temperate dry hot summer (Csa) Warm temperate dry warm summer (Csb) Warm temperate dry cool summer (Csc) Warm temperate dry winter, hot summer (Cwa) Warm temperate dry winter, warm summer (Cwb) Warm temperate dry winter, cool summer (Cwc) Warm temperate fully humid hot Summer (Cfa) Warm temperate fully humid warm summer (Cfb) Warm temperate fully humid cool summer (Cfc) Possible Warm Temperate Climate Classifications Warm temperate dry hot summer (Csa) Warm temperate dry warm summer (Csb) Warm temperate dry cool summer (Csc) Warm temperate dry winter, hot summer (Cwa) Warm temperate dry winter, warm summer (Cwb) Warm temperate dry winter, cool summer (Cwc) Warm temperate fully humid hot Summer (Cfa) Warm temperate fully humid warm summer (Cfb) Warm temperate fully humid cool summer (Cfc) 3. Is [Tmax] more than or equal to 22° C? HOT SUMMER (a) 4. Do at least 4 months have T greater than or equal to 10° C? WARM SUMMER (b) 5. Is [Tmin] more than -38° C? COOL SUMMER (c) EXTREMELY CONTINENTAL (a)
Possible Snow Climate Classifications Snow fully humid, hot summer (Dfa) Snow fully humid, warm summer (Dfb) Snow fully humid, cold summer (Dfc) Snow fully humid, extremely continental (Dfd) Snow dry, hot summer (Dsa) Snow dry, warm summer (Dsb) Snow dry, cool summer (Dsc) Snow dry summer, extremely continental (Dsd) Snow dry winter, hot summer (Dwa) Snow dry winter, warm summer (Dwb) Snow dry winter, cool summer (Dwc) Snow dry winter extremely continental (Dwd) Possible Snow Climate Classifications Snow fully humid, hot summer (Dfa) Snow fully humid, warm summer (Dfb) Snow fully humid, cold summer (Dfc) Snow fully humid, extremely continental (Dfd) Snow dry, hot summer (Dsa) Snow dry, warm summer (Dsb) Snow dry, cool summer (Dsc) Snow dry summer, extremely continental (Dsd) Snow dry winter, hot summer (Dwa) Snow dry winter, warm summer (Dwb) Snow dry winter, cool summer (Dwc) Snow dry winter extremely continental (Dwd) 3. Is [Tmax] more than or equal to 22° C? HOT SUMMER (a) 4. Do at least 4 months have T greater than or equal to 10° C? WARM SUMMER (b) 5. Is [Tmin] more than -38° C? COOL SUMMER (c) EXTREMELY CONTINENTAL (a) 1. Is: [Psmin] less than [Pwmin] And [Pwmax] more than 3 x [Psmin] And [Psmin] less than 40 mm? SUMMER DRY (s) Then go to 3 2. Is: [Pwmin] less than [Psmin] And [Psmax] more than 10 x [Pwmin] WINTER DRY (w) Then go to 3 FULLY HUMID (f) Then go to 3
What is Your Climate Classification? Data Sheet Location: _Tokyo, Japan_______________ Lat/Long: _35°41′22.22__N _139°41′30.12″_ E Table B: Calculations AbbreviationDescriptionValue Tann Annual Air Temperature ( C) [Add all 12 Mean Air Temperatures and divide by 12] 14.4 Tmin Air Temperature of the Coldest Month ( C) [The lowest value in the Mean Air Temp column] 3.6 Tmax Air Temperature of the Warmest Month ( C) [The highest value in the Mean Air Temp column] 26.1 PannAccumulated Annual Precipitation (mm) [Add all 12 Monthly Accumulated Precipitation Values] PthPrecipitation Threshold (mm) [If 70% or more precip. falls in summer then Pth = (Tann x2 +28 If 70% or more falls in winter then Pth = Tann x 2 If netiher of the above, then Pth = (Tann x ] 42.9 PminAmount of Precipitation in the driest month (mm) [The lowest value for Monthly Accumulated Precipitation] 48.5 PsmaxAmount of Precipitation in the wettest summer month (mm) [Identify summer, the highest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] PsminAmount of Precipitation in the driest summer month (mm) [Identify summer, the lowest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] 48.5 PwmaxAmount of Precipitation in the wettest winter month (mm) [Identify winter, the highest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] PwminAmount of Precipitation in the driest winter month (mm) [Identify winter, the lowest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] 49.9 Table A: 30 Year Data MonthMean Air Temp ( C) Monthly Accumulated Precipitation (mm) January February March April May June July August September October November December Additional Pth information needed: Does 70% or more of the precipitation fall in the summer? In the winter? Or neither? April-Sept. are summer northern hemisphere/winter southern October-March are winter northern hemisphere/summer southern ″N 139°41′30.1 2″E
1. Is the temperature of the warmest month [Tmax] less than 10° C? Go to POLAR 2. Is the accumulated annual precipitation [Pann] less than 10 x Pth? Go to ARID 3. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] more than or equal to 18° C? Go to EQUATORIAL 4. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] less than 18 °C but more than -3° C? Go to WARM TEMPERATE 5. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] less than or equal to - 3° C? Go to SNOW Tmax = 26.1 C Pann = 1,418.6 mm Pth x 10 = 429 Pann = 1,418.6 mm Pth x 10 = 429 Tmin = 3.6 C
Possible Warm Temperate Climate Classifications Warm temperate dry hot summer (Csa) Warm temperate dry warm summer (Csb) Warm temperate dry cool summer (Csc) Warm temperate dry winter, hot summer (Cwa) Warm temperate dry winter, warm summer (Cwb) Warm temperate dry winter, cool summer (Cwc) Warm temperate fully humid hot Summer (Cfa) Warm temperate fully humid warm summer (Cfb) Warm temperate fully humid cool summer (Cfc) Possible Warm Temperate Climate Classifications Warm temperate dry hot summer (Csa) Warm temperate dry warm summer (Csb) Warm temperate dry cool summer (Csc) Warm temperate dry winter, hot summer (Cwa) Warm temperate dry winter, warm summer (Cwb) Warm temperate dry winter, cool summer (Cwc) Warm temperate fully humid hot Summer (Cfa) Warm temperate fully humid warm summer (Cfb) Warm temperate fully humid cool summer (Cfc) 3. Is [Tmax] more than or equal to 22° C? HOT SUMMER (a) 4. Do at least 4 months have T greater than or equal to 10° C? WARM SUMMER (b) 5. Is [Tmin] more than -38° C? COOL SUMMER (c) EXTREMELY CONTINENTAL (a) 1. Psmin 48.5 is less than Pwmin 49.9 Pwmax is more than Psmin x but Psmin 48.5 is not > 40 mm 1. Psmin 48.5 is less than Pwmin 49.9 Pwmax is more than Psmin x but Psmin 48.5 is not > 40 mm 2. Pwmin 49.9 is not less than Psmin Tmax = 26.1
What is Your Climate Classification? Data Sheet Location: _Anchorage, Alaska___ Lat/Long: 61°13′05″N 149°53′33″W Table B: Calculations AbbreviationDescriptionValue Tann Annual Air Temperature ( C) [Add all 12 Mean Air Temperatures and divide by 12] 1.9 Tmin Air Temperature of the Coldest Month ( C) [The lowest value in the Mean Air Temp column] Tmax Air Temperature of the Warmest Month ( C) [The highest value in the Mean Air Temp column] 14.2 PannAccumulated Annual Precipitation (mm) [Add all 12 Monthly Accumulated Precipitation Values] PthPrecipitation Threshold (mm) [If 70% or more precip. falls in summer then Pth = (Tann x2 +28 If 70% or more falls in winter then Pth = Tann x 2 If netiher of the above, then Pth = (Tann x ] 17.8 PminAmount of Precipitation in the driest month (mm) [The lowest value for Monthly Accumulated Precipitation] 13.1 PsmaxAmount of Precipitation in the wettest summer month (mm) [Identify summer, the highest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] 66.7 PsminAmount of Precipitation in the driest summer month (mm) [Identify summer, the lowest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] 13.1 PwmaxAmount of Precipitation in the wettest winter month (mm) [Identify winter, the highest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] 48.6 PwminAmount of Precipitation in the driest winter month (mm) [Identify winter, the lowest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] 15.2 Table A: 30 Year Data MonthMean Air Temp ( C) Monthly Accumulated Precipitation (mm) January February March April May June July August September October November December Additional Pth information needed: Does 70% or more of the precipitation fall in the summer? In the winter? Or neither? April-Sept. are summer northern hemisphere/winter southern October-March are winter northern hemisphere/summer southern
1. Is the temperature of the warmest month [Tmax] less than 10° C? Go to POLAR 2. Is the accumulated annual precipitation [Pann] less than 10 x Pth? Go to ARID 3. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] more than or equal to 18° C? Go to EQUATORIAL 4. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] less than 18 °C but more than -3° C? Go to WARM TEMPERATE 5. Is the temperature of the coldest month [Tmin] less than or equal to - 3° C? Go to SNOW
What is Your Climate Classification? Data Sheet Location: ________________ Lat/Long: __________N or S __________ E or W Table B: Calculations AbbreviationDescriptionValue Tann Annual Air Temperature ( C) [Add all 12 Mean Air Temperatures and divide by 12] Tmin Air Temperature of the Coldest Month ( C) [The lowest value in the Mean Air Temp column] Tmax Air Temperature of the Warmest Month ( C) [The highest value in the Mean Air Temp column] PannAccumulated Annual Precipitation (mm) [Add all 12 Monthly Accumulated Precipitation Values] PthPrecipitation Threshold (mm) [If 70% or more precip. falls in summer then Pth = (Tann x2 +28 If 70% or more falls in winter then Pth = Tann x 2 If netiher of the above, then Pth = (Tann x ] PminAmount of Precipitation in the driest month (mm) [The lowest value for Monthly Accumulated Precipitation] PsmaxAmount of Precipitation in the wettest summer month (mm) [Identify summer, the highest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] PsminAmount of Precipitation in the driest summer month (mm) [Identify summer, the lowest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] PwmaxAmount of Precipitation in the wettest winter month (mm) [Identify winter, the highest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] PwminAmount of Precipitation in the driest winter month (mm) [Identify winter, the lowest Monthly Accumulated Precipitation in these months] Table A: 30 Year Data MonthMean Air Temp ( C) Monthly Accumulated Precipitation (mm) January February March April May June July August September October November December Additional Pth information needed: Does 70% or more of the precipitation fall in the summer? In the winter? Or neither? April-Sept. are summer northern hemisphere/winter southern October-March are winter northern hemisphere/summer southern