Facts about Venus Venus’s surface is so hot that if you were on it, you would burn in seconds. The clouds on Venus are full of acid. If it rained and you were on it, it would burn your skin. Venus can be seen from Earth, before the sunset or when its dark, Since it’s the evening star, You would probably find it at six o'clock in the evening in the south west sky.
Venus hasn’t got any rivers, seas, or oceans on the surface because the water would evaporate since it's that hot.
Venus takes about 117 Earth days to spin on its axis. About Venus
The size difference between Venus and Earth in diameter is an amazing 652 KM. Earth is bigger than Venus while Jupiter is about 12 times bigger than the Venus, as the sun is about 115 thousand bigger than Venus.
What I used to help me (Books) SPACE Space The Earth in Space Journey to the Planets Encyclopaedia of the universe