PAINT THE PICTURE NeighborWorks ® Branding
WHAT ARE YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGES TO MEETING YOUR GOALS? Resources Recognition Competition Expansion Recruitment
NEIGHBORWORKS ® ORGANIZATION LEADERS ASKED US TO: Capture the attention of corporate, government, and foundation leaders Provide greater access to resources Make sure NeighborWorks ® organizations get credit for the work they do.
EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED NeighborWorks is recognized and respected throughout business, nonprofit and public sectors When they hear NeighborWorks, leaders across the country think of organizations that are action-oriented, caring, and trustworthy. They know they are making a good investment when they make available resources and time to NeighborWorks. Businesses seek out opportunities to have their names associated with NeighborWorks.
Resources Recognition Competition Expansion Recruitment WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU AND YOUR CHALLENGES?
FIVE YEARS OF ACCOMPLISHMENT All system materials feature NeighborWorks prominently as a part of the design. All NeighborWorks America and NeighborWorks organization staff and board are trained with NeighborWorks talking points. Everyone in the NeighborWorks system thinks about opportunities for them to “co-brand,” such as media relations, presentations, tours, board meetings, etc. We all answer the phone with some form of “NeighborWorks,” …”this is NHS of _____, a NeighborWorks organization.”
HOW DID WE DO IT? Design Messages Training Promotions
WHAT’S NEXT? Opportunities Ideas Inspiration Connections