…. Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion.


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Presentation transcript:

Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  1,056 yrs. elapse between Adam’s creation & Noah’s birth Gen 5:1-29a  Another 600 years go by before God sends the destructive flood waters Gen 7:6  Noah’s story of building the ark to save himself & his family is worthy of our study Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Man’s overall condition before God 6:5  Wickedness became “great on the earth”  Every intent & thought was “evil continually”  God’s conclusion 6:6-7  He was grieved over man’s sin  He even regretted creating man cp. 1:31 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  God’s conclusion 6:6-7  All living creation (esp. man) was to be “blotted out” (destroyed)  The lone exception Ù Noah 6:8-9  He “found grace (favor) ” & was “blameless”  He “walked with God” cp. Amos 3:3 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  God’s instructions to Noah 6:13-21  Build an ark in advance of destruction v. 14  God gave “specifics” re: the ark vv  Type of wood, size, interior, details, etc.  Application Ù God cares about “specifics” re: serving Him, His will Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  God’s instructions to Noah 6:13-21  Build an ark in advance of destruction v. 14  God gave “specifics” re: the ark vv  Application Ù God cares about “specifics” re: serving Him, His will  Same application today (plan of salvation; work, worship, organization of church, etc.) Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  God’s instructions to Noah 6:13-21  Destruction was coming to all the living… Noah, his family would be spared vv  Two of every kind of animal was to be taken on the ark to protect the species vv  Additional information re: clean animals 7:2-3 cp. 8:20 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  God’s instructions to Noah 6:13-21  Food provisions for himself, his family, and the animals v. 21  Noah’s overall disposition 6:22 Heb 11:7  All that God said, so he did  Despite questions & doubts Heb. 11:1 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Noah’s overall disposition 6:22 Heb 11:7  This is why Noah “…found grace (favor) in the eyes of the Lord”  Noah believed God enough to do what He said…even re: those “specifics” and even though he obviously didn’t understand all that was at work (APPLICATION) Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its arrival 7:6,  In Noah’s 600th year (2nd mth, 17th day)  Very “severe”  Not just “hard (heavy) rain”  The “fountains of the deep were opened”  The “floodgates of the sky were opened” Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its duration 7:12  This “cataclysm” lasted 40 days & 40 nights  Sheer, raw, & destructive power “unleashed” by God!! cp. Job 38:8-11, 16, 25, 34  Imagine how it must have sounded!!  Imagine what they must have hoped!! Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its depth 7:19-20  The “high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered”  The water prevailed 15 cubits (~ 22 ½ feet) above the mountains Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

Highest elevation on Earth Part of Himalaya range in High Asia (border of Nepal & Tibet) 29,035 feet above sea level Roughly 5½ miles Highest elevation on Earth Part of Himalaya range in High Asia (border of Nepal & Tibet) 29,035 feet above sea level Roughly 5½ miles Mt. Everest

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its accomplishment 7:21-23  “All flesh that moved on the earth perished… all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life died”  The only survivors were those who were in the ark Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its aftermath 7:24 – 8:19  God closed the “floodgates of the sky” & the “fountains of the deep” 8:2  In all, the water level prevailed 150 days upon the earth 7:24 8:3  Eventually, the water level began to recede 8:1, 3 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its aftermath 7:24 – 8:19  Five months to the day after it started, enough water receded that mountain tops became visible 8:4-5  The ark rested on Mt. Ararat (Turkey)  This “recession” lasted almost 3 months Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its aftermath 7:24 – 8:19  40 days later, Noah opened the window and released birds 8:6-12  A raven was released…it flew about until it found a place to land vv. 6-7  A dove was released 3 times over 14 days until it did not return vv Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its aftermath 7:24 – 8:19  Notice Noah’s actions in 8:13-16  He removed the ark’s “covering” in 601st year, 1st month, 1st day v. 13a  He saw the ground was dry v. 13b  Yet, he still did not exit…he waited another 57 days until God said to exit vv Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Its aftermath 7:24 – 8:19  Notice Noah’s actions in 8:13-16  All of Noah’s actions in this entire episode was in response to the word of God cp. 6:22  In all, Noah & his family were in the ark for 370 days Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Noah on the “cleansed” Earth 8:20-22  Upon emerging from the ark, Noah & his family worshiped God v. 20  They sacrificed clean animals cp. 7:2-3  To God, this was a “soothing aroma”…He vowed to never again destroy the Earth with flood waters vv Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  God confirms His “vow” 9:8-17  A “covenant” made with Noah and all his descendants (including us today!!) v. 9  He set a rainbow in the clouds as a “sign”  Whenever He sees the rainbow, God remembers His promise vv  A promise still not broken!! cp. Heb 6:18 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn…  Some N.T. passages reference this story  The careful student will not miss the point being made once he has faithfully studied the story of Noah Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn… Mt 24:37-38  Jesus speaks of judgment (Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70)  Cavalier & frivolous attitudes about life leave one unprepared for certain judgment  They should have listened to Noah Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn… 1 Pet 3:20-21  God is patient toward wrongdoers  God provides salvation to those who “walk with Him” like Noah  The ark provided salvation for those in it  Peter states “Baptism now saves you” Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn… 1 Pet 3:20-21  In a like manner, N.T. water baptism is like the flood Noah encountered  Just as the flood destroyed the wickedness in Noah’s day, baptism buries the “man of sin” (our “wicked” enemy) Rom 6:3-7 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn… 2 Pet 2:5  Noah did not just focus on building the ark  While he built, he tried to teach as many as he could about the coming judgment  He was a “preacher of righteousness” Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn… 2 Pet 2:5  One cannot teach what one does not live… Noah was “righteous” Gen 6:9  Whatever our duties to God, we must never neglect trying to share salvation with others who need to hear it Mt 28: Tim 2:2 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn… 2 Pet 3:3-15a  Despite what “mockers” may say, a certain day of judgment is coming vv. 3-7  The same word of God that created it and brought the flood will bring a fiery end to life Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn… 2 Pet 3:3-15a  God is not “slack” about promises, but is longsuffering…wanting all to repent vv. 8-9  This “judgment day” will come unexpectedly like a “thief in the night” v. 10 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Flood Gen 6-9  Overall N.T. lessons to learn… 2 Pet 3:3-15a  Since it is certain, “…what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for & hastening the coming of the day of God…” vv Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion