The unit wise Key Performance Indicators, Grading and Weightages are compiled to meet the needs of managerial requirement and evaluate the performance of staff at Village Organisation (VO) level, Cluster Coordination (CC) level, Mandal level, AC Cluster level and District levels. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI) OF SERP
S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 1TCS 2301Bank Linkage > 90% = A, 71-90% = B, 51-70% = C, 21-50% = D <20% = E 2302 Non-Performing Account (NPA) % = E 2303 Vaddi Leni Runalu (VLR) > 90% = A, 71-90% = B, 51-70% = C, 21-50% = D <20% = E Total Marks12 BANK PARTNER SHIP
INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 2 Blue Frog, TCS 3501SHGs Grading % and above=A >70% to <=50%=B >50% to <=30% = C Below 30% =D 3502Vos Grading % = A % = B, % = C, % = D, < 30% = E Total Marks 12
Stree Nidhi S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 3 TCS 3701 Total loan disbursed against target (% of Achievement with credit) Plan >=90% = A, 80-90% = B % = C < 70% = D 3702 Total loan disbursed to SC/ST Repayments % of Recovery to Demand >=98% = A 94-97% = B 90-93% = C < 90% = D 3704 Deposits· *Samrudhi % of SHGs mobilised savings >=50% = A, 40-59% = B % = C, < 25% = D Total Marks 8
S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 4 Blue Frog 3101 Grounding of assets to POP families from various fund including recycled funds >90% = A, 70-89% = B, 50-69% = C, % = D < 30% = E 3102 Repayment of Unnathi Loans to Sthree Nidhi Or VO Access to entitlements for eligible PoP families/ members like ration card, job card, SHG coverage, housing, pension > 80% = A, 60-79% = B, 40-59% = C, % = D < 30% = E Total Marks 10 PoP Livelihoods
S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 5 Prog ment 3601 Registration of Claim in one day with date of incident > =85% = A, < 85% = B 3602 Payment of solatium Rs 5000/- in one day with date of registration Submission of Claim Documents and updation from MS in 7 days from date of registration Final Settlement of the Claim Amount to be credited to Nominee Account or VO Account in 30 days from date registration Total Marks 5 SOCIAL SECURITY
S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 6 TCS, Blue Frog, SADA REM 1001 All PwDs in the age group of years should be members of SHG coverage >=90% =A % =B, 74% - 60% =C 59% - 40% =D below 40% =E 1002 All SHGs (PWD) should have registered in M.Book Keeping Database and linked to Bank Linkage Access to Entitlements >=90% = A 89% - 60% =B Below 60% =C Total Marks 5 ID for PwD
S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 7 Evolge nce 1301 No. of cases registered >90% = A, 70-89% = B 50-69% = C, % = D, < 30% = E 1302 No. of Cases reported / resolved No. of ZSAC meetings held / attended No. of activities reported through IVRS Advocacy / Gender
Bangaru Talli S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 8 Blue Frog 4001 No. of cases registered and paid against expected children >90% = A, 70-89% = B 50-69% = C, % = D, < 30% = E 4002 % incentive paid with in 21 days % incentive paid with in 45 days
S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators M ar ks ABCDEGrade 9TCS 0501 Land Issues identification and filing with Revenue offices by Bhoomi Software >60% = A, 60-40%= B, <40% = C 0502 Resolution of Land issues No. of Land Sub committee members trained and trainings completed >=70% = A, <70% = B Total Marks 5 LAND ACCESS
Live Stock & Poultry Development S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code IndicatorsMarksABCDEGrade 10 Arbiva Tech Ensuring all BMCUs to make profits >50% milk collection against installed capacity >70%= A, 50-69% =B < 50%=C 0402 Pala Pragathi Kendralu (PPKs) to make profits >80% = A, 80% to 70%= B <70%=c 0403 PPKs making regular repayment of Bank loans No. of CLEWs trained % =A Total Marks 5
Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 11 Blue Frog 2401 Covering all PoP families with land under CMSA in all CMSA villages >=90% = A, 71-80% = B 61-70% = C 51-60% = D < 50% = E 2402 Attaining incomes between Rs.25,000 to Rs. 50,000/- for PoP families taken half acre land on lease No. of Farmer field schools conducted Total Marks 5
KRuSHE S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 12 Binar y Soft ware soluti ons 3901 Additional income to HHs in Farm – Agri products / Enterprises (POP priority) > 90% = A, 71-90% = B 51-70% = C, 21-50% = D <20% = E 3902 Additional income to HHs in Non Farm - Products / Enterprises (POP Priority) RSETI trained candidates for settlement followup Total Marks 5
Community Managed Health & Nutrition S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 13 Blue Frog 1201 NDCC grading (Functioning, enrolment, service delivery, health education, financial sustainability) A= >80%; B= 61-80%; C= 40-60%; D=21-40% E=<20% 1202No.of VOs with Fixed NHDs No.of VOs with service delivery - (ANC, Immunization and GMP) No.of VOs with health and nutrition outcomes -( Institutional deliveries, Birth wt, malnutrition, anemia) No.of SHG members with IHHLs -(Constructed and put in use) Total Marks 5
Community Managed Educational Services S. No. Servi ce provi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade 14 Arbiv a Tech. 1101Balabadi Performance > 90% = A, 70-89%= B 50-69%= C, %=D < 30% = E 1102 Elimination of Child Labour out of school children identified Vs mainstreamed households Female Adult Literacy illiterate women leaders identified Vs No. of women attended in APOSS and/or Saakshara bharat Total Marks 5
Creation of assets S. No. Ser vic e pro vi- der Sour- ce code Indicators Mar ks ABCDEGrade No. of Households created Income Generation Assets (Livestock, Agriculture assets, Petty Business, Other enterprises, from loans of banks, Streenidhi, PoP, SCSP/TSP, CIF etc.,)) > 70% = A, 50-70%= B 40-50%= C, %=D < 30% = E Total Marks 8