Mrs. Sills, Placement Specialist Holland Public Schools Please sign in and write down your address (clearly) so that I can contact you easier (won’t have to get you out of class so much).
Forms in Packet Course Guidelines Safety Assignment Sample Evaluation (You will get this in February) Emergency Information (CC only) Grading System Time Slip
Talking Points addresses Responsibility - YOU! Handouts – ALL are required handouts to pass. You do receive a letter grade on your transcript. Don’t forget to add up your total hours on time sheet Forms, info, handouts, websites, etc. for co-op and community classroom Will take up to two photos for the website for extra credit (10 points each) of you at placement
Grading Policy The grade you receive for the Work Experience Program will be based on an evaluation completed by your employer or direct supervisor and other forms. Evaluations must be completed each trimester. You are responsible for taking the evaluation forms to your supervisor and returning them to the Placement Office by the due date (See sample copy of evaluation).
Attendance Policy As you will not be meeting with me as you do for other classes, you will not be subject to the same attendance policy. However, you are expected to be at your work site when scheduled. If you are not scheduled to work and are being released from school, you should be at home completing homework for other courses of study.
Attendance Policy cont. You are NOT to be on school property during your release time. If you are ill or unable to meet your employer’s schedule, you are required to notify them as soon as possible to report your absence. Excessive absences will result in a review of your placement and your possible removal from the Work Experience placement.
Homework Policy You will have one weekly homework assignment to complete. That assignment will be the recording of your work hours on a time sheet and supplying brief synopsis of the tasks you have completed that week. The time sheet must be signed by your employer and returned to the placement office by Wednesday for the work done the previous week. Late work = half credit. The week runs from Sunday to Saturday with time slips due the NEXT Wednesday.
Homework Policy cont. Failure to complete these sheets will result in a failing grade for the placement. Other assignments could be assigned during the course of the placement/internship. CC = Journal If you fail, you WILL NOT be allowed to participate 3 rd trimester. No exceptions.
Career Pathway – Educational Development Plan (EDP) Your placement must match your Career Pathway choice as identified in your EDP. The six career pathways are: Arts and Communication Business Management, Marketing and Technology Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Health Sciences Human Services Natural Resources & Agriscience
Work Site Rules Students will be expected to conform to the rules and regulations of the business where the student is placed. This includes all safety procedures.
Placement Changes Students accepting a position agree to work/intern for the time specified in the Training Agreement. Any changes must be approved in advance by the Program Coordinator/Placement Specialist – that’s me. If you are released due to unsatisfactory work or attendance issues, you may receive a failing grade for your placement experience.
Required Hours Paid Work Experience (Co-Op) Must average a minimum of 12 hours per week Internship (Community Classroom) Six hours per week are required for each credit granted Make sure if you are getting paid that you are not going over your allotted amount of hours determined by the state of MI. I want to know if your employer is working you past these hours. If you are 18 or older, this does not apply.
Unexcused Absences If you are unexcused from any part of the school day, you will be subject to losing credit for your placement that day as well. If you aren’t responsible enough to come to school, you shouldn’t be given credit to do other school functions, such as co-op or community classroom. Your weekly time slip grade will be a reflection of this.
Contact Information My door is always open. Please feel free to visit me in my office whenever you have any questions, or contact me by phone at (616) If I am not available, see the placement office assistant in the counseling office. My is: My website is:
Good Luck!!