©2013 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only and may not be used for commercial intent. Italy
Italy is the boot- shaped country in Europe. Two islands west of the “boot” are also part of Italy. Mountains separate Italy from the rest of Europe. In the north, winter is cold and rainy. Summer is not too hot. Further south, the weather is warmer, with very hot summers.
Flag of Italy
PEOPLE GROUPS: Italian, with small groups of Germans, French, Slovenes, Albanians, and Greeks CAPITAL CITY: Rome (3.35 million) POPULATION: 61 million LANGUAGES: Italian (official), English, French, German, Slovene Italy QUICK FACTS
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD FACTS: 18 U.S. Assemblies of God missionaries are working in Italy. There are 1,300 churches, with 127,000 people attending. One Bible school and 7 extension programs are training over 1,550 students. RELIGIONS: Roman Catholic (80%), atheists and agnostics (20%), small groups of Protestants Italy QUICK FACTS