World Record 100.8” Snowfall in 18 Hours- Capracotta, Italy?
I.Pictures of the Event II.Controversial Record A.Meteoweb (Weathernews) supports B.Il Meteo (5 ½’) C.Italian Weather Service (34.6”) D.WMO Records’ Spokesman-snowfall measurements avoided III.The Meteorology of the Situation A.Surface /500 mb. – 127, B.Soundings 1.Brindisi and Rome, Italy- 127, Buffalo, NY (extreme Lake Enhancement) – 00Z, Precipitable Water vs. Precipitation Rate (Showalter’s equation) IV.Conclusion A.Meteorology shows likelihood of heavy snowfall at Capracotta B.Capracotta snowfall amount is open to serious question C.WMO needs to include snowfall measurements in its records
Capracotta, Italy
March 5, 2015 snowfall in Capracotta, Italy
500 mb. 12Z March 5, 2015
Surface 12Z March 5, 2015
Visible satellite 12Z March 5, 2015
Brindisi Sounding 12Z March 5, 2015
Adriatic SST off Brindisis
Rome Sounding 12Z March 5,2015
Buffalo Sounding 00Z November 18, 2014