Italy Rome Alonso Olvera
Travel Plans The airport ill leave from is Green International Ill land in Milan The flight would be 8 hours & 2 minutes Ill bring with me in the flight a laptop & ipod
Weather Ill go in June The weather would be warm Ill bring cloths like shorts, muscle shirts, light cloths not heavy & warm
Packing Money Family things Ipod Laptop Cologne
Money The money in Italy is call Lira $1 in Italy is equal to 19 Lira Ill bring with me $1000 with me
Cities and Towns Ill like to visit Milan Its good to visit Milan because it has many places to visit like museums & more You can go to bars, partys, restaruants, & more
Famous Landmarks Ill go to Rome & see famous things they got there Ill go to Genoa & see the cities & towns Ill go to Naples & look at the cities
Food Ill have pizza Pasta Gourment food & the best cheese I think pasta is the best food
Language Hello Goodbye Grazie Graatseeyay
Be careful They can rape you if your alone somewhere or they can steal from you. Its a fun place to visit & have fun.