WELCOME 25 & 26 May Knowledge Management and Labour Market Intelligence Regional Awareness Workshop 2
2 WORKSHOP PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES To improve knowledge and understanding of the regional economic context facing employers, the key economic drivers and trends in the labour market To examine how this knowledge can support employer engagement To understand the role of Sector Skills Councils and ways of working To build capacity in sourcing labour market information To draw on existing broker experiences and highlight good practice in knowledge sharing and engaging employers To examine the process of knowledge sharing and how it can be improved To support the broker standards
3 Agenda Day 1 Session 1 – Welcome Session 2 – Knowledge Management Tea/Coffee Break Session 3 – Engaging employers Lunch Session 4 – Labour Market information Session 5 – Training Materials and web sources Session 6a – Demographic changes Tea/Coffee Break Session 6b – Globalisation and Technology Session 7 – Knowledge sharing
4 Agenda Day 2 Session 1 – Introduction Session 2 – Overview of South West economy Session 3 – Productivity Tea/Coffee Break Session 4 – Skills Levels and sectoral trends Session 5 – Employer demand Lunch Session 6 – Sector Skills Councils Session 8 – Sector discussions Close
5 INTRODUCTIONS Facilitators over the two days are: Chris Evans Laura Smith Gareth Jones Steve Lydon Paula Jones
Broker Standards Chris Evans
7 Broker Standards Brokers must be assessed against both the Core Competencies, (unless exempt), and the Skills Broker Standard within twelve months of commencing their role. August 1 st 2006 start of the 12 month period National LSC issued a tender to contract for services to deliver the assessment process –The services to be provided are: Application and Pre-assessment Professional Development and Skills Analysis Review [PDSAR] The Skills Broker PDSAR Report
8 APPLICATION AND PRE-ASSESSMENT Individual self-evaluation normally conducted through an online questionnaire or by attending a pre-assessment centre. Contextually relevant prior professional experience and learning will be taken into account. Report back to broker organisation and LSC Regional Team If approved assessment body will issue a “Temporary Certificate to Practice”.
9 Professional Development and Skills Analysis Review Within 6 months of the temporary certificate being issued, the skills broker will need to undertake a full professional development and skills and ability review (PDSAR). This will prompt continuous professional development within the context of the skills broker’s performance measures
10 The Skills Broker PDSAR Report The skills broker meets the benchmark performance - licence to operate granted; The skills broker does not yet meet the benchmark performance and agrees to work toward a SMART development plan, leading to a review focusing on the areas identified for development highlighted in the PDSAR report. Interim licence to operate continues during the agreed development time period. The skills broker does not meet the benchmark performance. Interim licence to operate is revoked or suspended.
11 Skills Brokers Exemptions Any skills brokers that possess a certificate that specifies they have achieved a minimum of SFEDI units of 2, 3, 5 and 7 and bearing the logo of OCR, City & Guilds, ILM, Edexcel, BTEC, SQA, IBA and SFEDI will not be required to be assessed against the Core Competencies, only the Skills Broker Standard. This is also true for those who have a BLU certificate issued in the last two years. By achieving these units in an externally verified assessment it is assumed that these individuals have already demonstrated that they meet the Core Competencies and therefore qualify for a “bye” against this element of the assessment process.
12 REGIONAL CPD PLAN All Regions to produce CPD Plan: BL plans LSC plans (regional events) Review of outcome of Pre Assessment process Review CPD plan to take into account needs