IWC7: pre-workshop on economic valuation, Bridgetown, Oct Breakout Group work II: Using valuations to influence decision Making Eduard Interwies
IWC7: pre-workshop on economic valuation, Bridgetown, Oct 2013 Facilitators: Group 1: Warwick Sauer Group 2: Peter Edwards Group 3: Steve Lutz Group 4: David Gil Group 5: Adrian Cashman Edi Interwies (lead facilitator) moving around the 5 groups and supporting Please see lists on the wall regarding which group you are in (random allocation) 2 5 breakout groups IWC7: pre-workshop on economic valuation, Bridgetown, Oct 2013
1. What are the main uses of economic valuation of ecosystem services for decision-making from your perspective? 2. What methods seem most appropriate/usable? 3. What are the main difficulties in increasing the use of economic valuation of ES for decision making? 4. How to overcome them? 5. How can economic valuation of ES be better integrated in the official TDA-SAP Methodology- action points 3 Questions to be discussed IWC7: pre-workshop on economic valuation, Bridgetown, Oct 2013
1. Tour-de-table/Introduction round 2. Moving through each question: each participant takes down his main point(s) on a card each, presents it briefly and pins it on the flip-chart – discussion 3. At the end of discussion: facilitator to „cluster“ the cards and to identify together with the participants the key elements Tomorrow morning, a short summary of the working group discussions will be presented by Edi 4 „Flow“ of breakout groups IWC7: pre-workshop on economic valuation, Bridgetown, Oct 2013
Coffee break first (up to 16.30h), then please move to the your group swiftly;) 5 Let´s start! IWC7: pre-workshop on economic valuation, Bridgetown, Oct 2013
Thank you! Contact: 6