Thesis Topic An Integrated Petrophysical Study Using Well Logging Data for Evaluation of a Gas Field in The Gulf of Thailand Committee member : Dr. Pham Huy Giao (Chairman) : Dr. Noppadol Phien-wej : Dr. Le Hai An Presented by Thoedpong Witthayapradit ST105514 Date 18 May 2009
Outline Introduction Objectives Scopes of work Literature review Methodology Results and Discussions Conclusions and Recommendations Q & A
Abbreviation ANN Artificial Neural Network GR Gamma Ray log DT Acoustic log NPHI Neutron porosity log RHOB Bulk density log RESD Resistivity log- deep investagation RESM Resistivity log- medium investigation RESS Resisitivity log- shallow investigation IP Interactive Petrophysics MATLAB MATrix LABoratory MMSCF Million Standard Cubic Feet MTJDA Malaysia-Thailand Join Development Area
Introduction The understanding of reservoir rock characteristics by formation evaluation is needed to determine producible potential of petroleum extracted from reservoir. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been developed to predict some petrophysical parameters. The study of well logging interpretation and flow unit characterization enhances the ANN prediction performance. Fig 1 Application of ANN of well logging (
Objectives Application of the backpropagation ANN The objectives in this study is ; Application of the backpropagation ANN technique to predict the porosity and permeability of gas reservoir in North Malay basin, Gulf of Thailand by using of well logging and core data that can be used for formation evaluation in the study area.
Scopes of Work Collection of data, i.e. well logging, core analysis and geological data Perform a well logging interpretation using Interactive Petrophysics software. Flow unit characterization from core analysis data. Review on the ANN methods and its application in parameter prediction based on the well logging data. ANN training and testing with data sets from all available data, data selected from interpreted reservoir zone and data from flow unit characterization. Perform a trained ANN analysis using MATLAB on data sets in integration with the core analysis data to predict porosity and permeability. Compare porosity and permeability from derived well logging, core analysis and ANN prediction
Literature Review Natural gas situation and statistic in 2007 The literature review is following: Natural gas situation and statistic in 2007 Area of study Formation evaluation Coring and core analysis Well logging Flow unit characterization Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Fig 2 Proved natural gas reserves at end 2007 ( Natural gas situation and statistic in 2007 Fig 2 Proved natural gas reserves at end 2007 ( Fig 3 Distribution of proved natural gas reserves (
Fig 4 Natural gas consumption by area ( Natural gas situation and statistic in 2007 Fig 4 Natural gas consumption by area ( Fig 5 Natural gas production by area (
Fig 6 Natural gas consumption per capita ( Natural gas situation and statistic in 2007 Fig 6 Natural gas consumption per capita (
Natural gas situation and statistic in 2007 Fig 7 Natural gas price historical (
Area of study The gas field is geologically located in the North Malay Basin. North Malay basin characteristics Depth : Thick sediment > 8 km Geological age : Tertiry Geological structure : horst and graben fault Source rock : Shale and siltstone Reservoir rock : Sandstone Fig 7 Malay Basin province (Michele,2002)
Area of study Fig 8 The comparison of stratigraphy from difference area in Malay Basin Source: Michele B. (2002),
Formation Evaluation The use and interpretation of several tools and methods that are capable of locating and evaluating the commercial significance of petroleum in the rock. (Lynch,1962) The formation evaluation tools Coring and core analysis Drilling fluid and cuttings analysis logging Well Logging Electric logging Radioactive logging Acoustic velocity logging Drill Stem Testing (DST)
Coring and Core Analysis Coring is integration part of formation evaluation which direct measurements are made. Table 1 petrophysical parameters which can be determined from core measurement Routine Core Analysis (RCAL) Special Core Analysis (SCAL) Porosity Grain density Absolute permeability Water and oil saturation Water salinity Lithologic description Core Gamma Log Core Photography Capillary pressure Relative permeability Wettability Petrography- thin sections and SEM Damage assessment tests Electrical properties- n, m and F Mechanical properties Acoustic velocity NMR Mineralogy- QXRD Completion testing Fig 9 Core sample (
Formation Measurement Well Logging Well logging can measure and record formation properties continuously versus depth. Table 1 Measurement of formation Formation Measurement Parameters Electrical resistivity - Bulk density - Natural and induced radioactivity - Hydrogen content - Travel time of sonic wave Porosity (primary and secondary) - Permeability - Fluid saturation - Hydrocarbon type - Lithology - Formation dip and structure - Sedimentary environment - Elastic modulus Fig 10 Well logging measurement (
Flow unit characterization The flow units are the resultant of the depositional environment and diagenetic process. Many authors defined flow unit as follows (Tiab et al,2004); - A flow unit is a specific volume of reservoir, composed of one or more reservoir quality lithologies - A flow unit is correlative and mapable at the interval scale. - A flow unit zonation is recognizable on wire-line log. - A flow unit may be in communication with other flow units.
Flow unit characterization Flow unit characterization factors Reservoir quality index (RQI) Based on the Kozeny-Carman equation (1939), Amaefule et al. (1993) introduced the concept of reservoir quality index, by considering the pore-throat, pore and grain distribution, and other macroscopic parameter Kozeny-Carman equation: (1.1) Where: k = permeability, µm2 ø = porosity, fraction sVgr= specific surface area per unit grain volume, µm-1 KT = Kpsτ = effective zone factor τ = tortuosity of the flow path Divide with ø; (1.2)
Flow unit characterization If the permeability is expressed in milidarcies and porosity as a fraction, the equation 1.2 becomes: (1.3) Where: RQI = reservoir quality index k = permeability, mD øe = effective porosity, fraction Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) The flow zone indicator is defined from equation 1.1 (1.4) Thus equation 1.2 can be written as: (1.5) Where, øz is the ratio of pore volume to grain volume;
Artificial Neural Network An ANN is an information processing system that roughly replicates the behaviors of a human brain by emulating the operations and connectivity of biological neurons (Tsoukalas and Uhrig, 1997). WN W2 f x1 y xN x2 W1 Fig 11 Schematic of ANN model
The use of Artificial Neural Network ANN is wildly used to solve problems such as classification, function approximation and pattern recognition. ( Lawrence, 1994, and Haykin ,1999) It is not suitable if the solution exists. ANN is good than other method (Master,1993) when; Data is subject to large errors The pattern data is deeply hidden Data is unpredictable non-linearity
Back-propagation ANN (Rumelhart et al.,1986) Back-propagation Networks have a largest number of successful application especially for prediction. This method is a supervised learning technique for training multilayer neural network. The weights are adjusted during training to minimize error between known output and model output.
Application of ANN for well logging As the relationships of the well logging data and the reservoir properties are unknown, the neural network is proposed to predict the formation parameters (Helle et al., 2001). The advantage of this method are; User does not need a deep geological knowledge of the area. It is faster interpretation than conventional interpretation
Methodology 1. Data collection Data source : Gas fields, Malay basin, Gulf of Thailand Data : 3 vertical well logging data (data in LAS format) : 3 Routine Core Analysis (RCA) data : 3 Geological Data Software : Interactive Petrophysics version3.3 ( well logs interpretation) : MATLAB version 6 with Neural Network Toolbox ( ANN model and simulation)
Methodology 1. Data collection Collected data consisted of core analysis,i.e., permeability and porosity, and well logging data, i.e. GR,SP, DT, NPHI, RHOB and RESD,RESM and RESS Table 3 Number of core data available Core interval Well-1 Well-2 Well-3 Depth (ft) No. samples 1 3864.0- 3922.6 37 4016.0- 4070.0 41 3930.0--4021.0 69 2 3944.0-3971.9 21 4070.0-4155.3 84 4020.0- 4023.5 3 3971.0-3980.3 9 - 4026.0- 4085.5 56 4 4094.0-4184.0 80 4168.0-4256.0 87 5 4184.0-4271.7 76 5139.0- 5222.0 81 6 5560.4-5648.3 88 Total 223 125 384
Methodology Table 4 summary of well logging type run in Well-1,2 and 3 Well-1 Well-2 Well-3 Start (ft) 236.5 69.5 112.5 Stop (ft) 7880.5 9673 9824 Step (ft) 0.5 Log type BS (in) CALI (in) DTCO (us/f) DTSM (us/f) GR (GAPI) NPHI (v/v) POTA (%) RESD (ohm-m) RESM (ohm-m) RESS (ohm-m) RHOB (g/cm3) SP (mV) THOR (ppm) URAN (ppm) Available for coring wells Not available
Methodology 2. Well logging interpretation Zoning Lithology Tools : GR, Caliper, Resistivity Tools : Neutron and Density cross-plot was used to identify formation lithology Lithology Shale volume Tools : GR Shale Index = Vsh for linear trasformation Porosity Tools : Density and Sonic For shaly-sand, Correction is made by Vsh Rw determination Tools: SP log (temperature and mud resistivity were known) Sw determination Tools : Resistivity Using Archies’equation Permeability estimation Permeability-porosity relationship from core analysis
Flow unit characterization The flow unit characterization is studied from core analysis of each intervals. The following steps were done as follows: - The RQI and øz are plotted in log-log scale - The flow zone indicator, FZI, was determined from the intercept where øz =1. - FZIs from each core intervals were used to determine the flow unit of the reservoir as the plots that lie on the same straight line have similar pore throat characteristics and constitute a flow unit. - Flow unit identification and construction well correlation. In addition, the permeability-porosity relationships from core analysis can be plotted in semi-log scale. The slopes of the plot of each core interval are also used as supporting criteria for flow unit characterization. The permeability-porosity relationships of all core intervals each well were also used for well logging interpretation to determine the permeability from derived porosity.
ANN construction Table 5 Summary of ANN training and testing cases Data case Well logging Case 1 Well logging Case 2 Well logging Case 3 Data set Number of sample % Testing data All well logging and core available DT,GR,NPHI, RESD,RHOB DT,NPHI,RESD, RHOB Training Well-1 179 - Well-2 100 Testing 44 19.83 25 Selected from reservoir zone 139 52 34 19.41 12 flow unit 111 40 27 19.25 9
Target output : Core analysis from a selected well Construction of ANN Input data : Selected well logging data (GR ,resistivity,RHOB, NPHI and DT) Target output : Core analysis from a selected well Software : MATLAB Version 6.0 Design the ANN architecture Training the ANN with training data set Testing the ANN model with a testing data set Comparing the ANN models and selecting the optimal one Using the selected optimal model to predict the parameters
Methodology Input data (Training) Target output Core analysis ANN model Input layer Hidden layer Output layer Input data (Training) W11,1 W21,1 GR Target output Core analysis RESD Porosity Permeability NPHI RHOB W2 s2,s1 Sonic W1 S1,R
Methodology Input data (Testing) ANN output (predicted) ANN model Input layer Hidden layer Output layer Input data (Testing) W11,1 W21,1 GR ANN output (predicted) RESD Porosity Permeability NPHI RHOB W2 s2,s1 Sonic W1 S1,R
Results and Discussions Well logging interpretation - Interpretation result of Well-1, 2 and 3 - Summary table of reservoir zones.
Results and Discussions Fig 12 Well logging interpretation result of Well-1
Table 6 Summary of reservoir zone in Well-1 Depth Thickness Permeability øe Sw Vcl Top (ft) - Bottom (ft) (ft) (mD) (fraction) 2 3732.5 3770 37.5 1252.6 0.31 0.16 0.29 3784.5 3825.5 41 1407.65 0.26 0.32 0.34 3832 3860.5 28.5 352.99 0.24 0.28 0.2 3918 4007.5 89.5 159.75 0.25 0.23 0.1 3 4138 4209.5 71.5 102.51 0.18 0.07 4227 5042 815 328.39 0.36 0.22 5055 5541.5 486.5 34.84 0.21 0.05 5664 5694.5 30.5 44.49 0.15 0.01 5805.5 5893.5 88 25.56 0.37 0.19 Total 1688
Results and Discussions Fig 13 Well logging interpretation result of Well-2
Table 7 Summary of reservoir zone in Well-2 Depth Thickness Permeability øe Sw Vcl Top (ft) - Bottom (ft) (ft) (mD) (fraction) 1 4010.5 4026.5 16 103.93 0.23 0.52 0.39 4030.5 4058 27.5 69.27 0.21 0.64 0.4 4064 4070 6 159.35 0.24 0.46 0.37 3 4102 4108 24.88 0.17 0.29 4118 4145.5 89.59 0.22 0.32 0.31 4186 4211.5 25.5 46.02 0.19 0.57 0.42 4303.5 4326 22.5 30.69 0.18 0.6 4337.5 4359.5 22 63.42 0.61 0.35 4398 4555.5 157.5 77.29 0.3 4568.5 4579.5 11 69.47 0.5 4603.5 4630.5 27 42.64 0.63 4 4639.5 4666 26.5 58.27 4673 4715.5 42.5 60.78 4725 4791 66 55.82 0.65 0.28 5009.5 5024.5 15 48.96 0.2 5057.5 5076 18.5 41.46 0.67 5 5119 5152 33 40.66 0.68 5179 5188.5 9.5 106.73 5350.5 5386.5 36 27.05 0.27 5438 5479.5 41.5 37.24 0.58 0.25 5954 5978.5 24.5 1681.57 0.26 Total 661.5
Results and Discussions Fig 14 Well logging interpretation result of Well-3
Table 8 Summary of reservoir zone in Well-3 Depth Thickness Permeability øe Sw Vcl Top (ft) - Bottom (ft) (ft) (mD) (fraction) 1 1952.5 1961.5 9 5258.25 0.35 0.23 2087.5 2104.5 17 16715.22 0.38 0.32 0.15 2113 2162 49 16338.15 0.37 0.18 2367.5 2377.5 10 19489.79 0.36 0.17 5 4187 4237.5 50.5 176.28 0.25 0.2 6 4259.5 4271.5 12 124.49 0.24 0.47 7 4474.5 4500.5 26 487.2 0.28 0.48 0.09 4563 4586 23 664.35 0.29 0.11 5132 5175 43 108.72 0.22 0.16 5263.5 5286 22.5 37.16 5320.5 5353 32.5 19462.07 0.27 11 5646 5683.5 37.5 33.13 0.43 5749 5792.5 43.5 863.88 13 6086 6099 48.07 0.19 6144 6178 34 109.85 6191.5 6200 8.5 259.51 0.26 0.3 0.04 6219 6231.5 12.5 13.13 0.14 Total 443.5
Results and Discussions 2. Flow unit characterization - Permeability and porosity relationship - FZI determination - Flow unit characterization - Well correlation
Results and Discussions 2. Flow unit characterization (continued) - Permeability and porosity relationship Fig 15 Porosity-permeability relationship of all core interval in Well-1
Results and Discussions 2. Flow unit characterization (continued) - Permeability and porosity relationship Fig 16 Porosity-permeability relationship of core interval No.1 in Well-1 Fig 17 Porosity-permeability relationship of core interval No.3 in Well-1
Results and Discussions 2. Flow unit characterization (continued) - FZI determination Fig 18 Flow unit characterization of all core interval in Well-1
Results and Discussions 2. Flow unit characterization (continued) - FZI determination Fig 19 Flow unit characterization of core interval No.1 in Well-1 Fig 20 Flow unit characterization of core interval No.3 in Well-1
3. Flow unit characterization (continued) - Flow unit selection Table 9 Summary of permeability and porosity relationship of each core interval Well Core interval Depth Slope Intercept Well-1 1 3864.3 - 3922.5 0.65 -5.717 2 3945.2 3970 0.501 -1.678 3 3971.5 3979.5 0.367 -0.065 4 4094.3 4183.6 0.851 -11.28 5 4184.2 4271.6 0.574 -4.066 Well-2 4016.3 4069.3 0.388 -1.148 4070.5 4118.5 0.549 -2.154 4119.5 4154.5 0.565 -3.895 Well-3 3930.5 4020.5 0.577 -4.183 4022.6 4026.6 4085 0.954 -9.111 4168.5 4255.6 0.864 -11.052 5139.4 5220.6 0.87 -9.225 6 5560.4 5648.3 0.857 -9.408
2. Flow unit characterization (continued) Table 10 Summary of flow unit characterization of each core interval Well Core interval Depth Slope FZI Well-1 1 3864.3 - 3922.5 1.842 4.595 2 3945.2 3970 1.827 4.926 3 3971.5 3979.5 0.843 1.146 4 4094.3 4183.6 2.877 14.021 5 4184.2 4271.6 1.966 5.382 Well-2 4016.3 4069.3 0.7 1.244 4070.5 4118.5 1.542 4.35 4119.5 4154.5 1.089 1.779 Well-3 3930.5 4020.5 1.709 4.051 4022.6 4026.6 4085 2.089 9.392 4168.5 4255.6 2.707 13.602 5139.4 5220.6 2.378 13.122 6 5560.4 5648.3 2.048 7.403
2. Flow unit characterization (continued) - Well correlation Fig 21 Flow unit correlation of Well-1, Well-2 and Well-3 with GR log
2. Flow unit characterization (continued) - Well correlation Fig 22 Flow unit correlation of Well-1, Well-2 and Well-3 with core interval schematic
Results and Discussions 3. ANN prediction model - ANN porosity model - Performance error - Selected porosity models - Regression analysis - Test performance error - Well-3 porosity prediction
- ANN Performance error Fig 23 Testing performance error of ANN porosity model from well log and core data available in case 1,2 and 3 Fig 24Testing performance error of ANN porosity model from selected reservoir zone data in case 1,2 and 3 Fig 25 Testing performance error of ANN porosity model from selected flow unit data in case 1,2 and 3
- Selected porosity models All data from well logging and core analysis, 5 well logging input data, 14 hidden neurons and 5000 epochs, MSE= 23.40 Selected data from reservoir zone, 4 well logging input data (without GR), 15 hidden neurons and 8000 epochs, MSE= 15.66 Selected data from flow unit, 4 well logging input data (without GR), 17 hidden neurons and 500 epochs, MSE= 18.85
Fig 26 Regression analysis of a selected ANN porosity model
Fig 27 Performance test of a selected ANN porosity model
Fig 28 Regression analysis of predicted ANN porosity versus core data of Well-3
- Well-3 porosity prediction result Fig 29 The result of ANN porosity model from selected reservoir zone data in case 1,2 and 3 Depth 6088 – 6325 ft
Results and Discussions 3. ANN prediction model (continued) ANN permeability model - Performance error - Selected permeability models - Regression analysis - Test performance error - Well-3 permeability prediction result
- ANN performance error Fig 30 Testing performance error of ANN permeability model from well logging and core data available in case 1,2 and 3 Fig 31 Testing performance error of ANN permeability model from reservoir zone data in case 1,2 and 3 Fig 32 Testing performance error of ANN permeability model from flow unit data in case 1,2 and 3
Results and Discussions - Selected permeability models All data from well logging and core analysis, 4 well logging input node (without GR), 15 hidden neuron and 8000 epochs, MSE= 39,169 Selected data from reservoir zone, 4 well logging input node (without GR), 16 hidden neurons and 8000 epochs, MSE= 27,513 Selected data from flow unit, 4 well logging input node (without GR), 9 hidden neurons and 8000 epochs, MSE= 11,736
Fig 33 Performance test of a selected ANN permeability model
Fig 34 Performance test of a selected ANN porosity model
versus core data of Well-3 Fig 35 Regression analysis of predicted ANN permeability versus core data of Well-3
- Well-3 permeability prediction result Fig 36 The result of ANN permeability model from selected flow unit data in case 1,2 and 3 Depth 5975-6230 ft
Conclusions and Recommendations An Integrated well logging interpretation was done for three wells in the North Malay basin to evaluate porosity, permeability and water saturation. The flow unit characterization gives a better understanding of hydraulic flow pattern. The same flow unit might have consistent petrophysical and fluid properties. The flow units were characterized using FZI and the permeability and porosity relationships in this study, three flow units were observed, having FZI equal to 1.5, 4.5 and 13.8. The ANN for permeability and porosity prediction was constructed and used to predict permeability and porosity from well logging in the study area. The ANN and permeability porosity models has the least performance error when input data are selected only from reservoir zone with four input data of DT, NPHI, RESD and RHOB.
Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusion (Continued) The ANN for porosity and permeability prediction for this study area were found as follows: (i) ANN porosity model: selected data from reservoir zone, 4 well logging input node (without GR), 15 hidden neurons and 8000 epochs, MSE= 15.66 (ii) ANN permeability model : Selected data from flow unit, 4 well logging input node (without GR), 9 hidden neurons and 8000 epochs, MSE= 11,736
Q & A
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