The Chesapeake Bay By: Ray Carlton III
How water is in the Chesapeake Bay? There is fifteen trillion gallons of water.
How long is the Chesapeake Bay. The Chesapeake bay is 320 km which is 17.6 miles.
Creatures in the Chesapeake Bay. Sharks Eel Jellyfish Crabs Oysters Dolphins Rays
What kind of plants live in the bay? Bay grasses
When was the Chesapeake Bay founded? It was founded in 1967.
Is the Chesapeake Bay the largest estuary? The Chesapeake bay is the largest estuary.
What are the largest rivers flowing through the bay. Sasquehanna James Chester Choptank Potomac York Rappahannock Pocomoke Nanticoke Patuxent Patapsco
What states surround the bay? New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia
Info about the Chesapeake Bay. It an incredibly complex ecosystem that includes habitats, and food webs. It also provides homes for diverse groups of plants and animals.
More info about the Chesapeake bay. It was the first estuary to be targeted for restoration. The bay was also home to pirates. It was also known for its great seafood production.
Kinds of habitats the Chesapeake Bay has. Forests Wetlands Streams Rivers Shallow waters Tidal marshes Aquatic reefs Open waters
How far does the watershed stretch? The watershed stretches 64,000 miles.
The depth of the bay. The maximum depth is 174 feet.
I couldn’t think of anything else. SORRY!