Science Vertebrates Animals with backbones
What do snakes, birds, spiders, and cats have in common? They are animals. They reproduce. They eat other organisms. They breath They move.
How are they different? Coverings are different Number of legs are different Each reproduce differently Body temperatures are different Not all have a back bone
BACKBONE A backbone is the main bone, made up of many small bones joined together, that, runs along the middle of the back in some animals.
Animals with a backbone, an internal skeleton, are called vertebrates Out of all the animals, very few have backbones. 97 out of every 100 do not have a backbone. No Backbones Only 3 out of every 100 have a backbone. Have Backbones Animals with a backbone, an internal skeleton, are called vertebrates
vertebrates fish birds reptiles amphibians mammals
Fish reproduce by laying eggs. Fish have backbones. Fish reproduce by laying eggs. These are the eggs of a clown fish.
Since fish live in water, most of them breathe through gills. Gills perform the gas exchange between the water and the fish's blood. Gills allow the fish to breathe oxygen in the water. Fish are covered with scales.
Cold-blooded creatures take on the temperature of their surroundings. Fish are cold-blooded. Cold-blooded creatures take on the temperature of their surroundings. They are hot when their environment is hot and cold when their environment is cold.
Birds reproduce by laying eggs. Birds have backbones. Birds reproduce by laying eggs.
Since bird have hollow bones, they are very light. Birds have lungs to breath. Birds are covered with feathers which keep them warm and help them fly. Since bird have hollow bones, they are very light.
Most birds can fly. They have two feet and two wings Birds are warm-blooded. Warm-blooded creatures keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature. They do this by generating their own heat when they are in a cooler environment, and by cooling themselves when they are in a hotter environment. To generate heat, warm-blooded animals convert the food that they eat into energy.
Reptiles have backbones
Reptiles have dry scaly skin. They usually lay eggs.
Reptiles breath through lungs. They are cold-blooded.
Amphibians have backbones
Amphibians go through metamorphosis. During their larval stage, they live in the water. They begin life as eggs. The adults must return to the water, however, for reproduction. Once they reach the adult stage, they live on the land.
Amphibians lay eggs in the water. Baby amphibians breath with gills. Adult amphibians have small, relatively inefficient lungs for breathing, so most breath through their skin too. Amphibians have smooth, moist skin. Amphibians are cold-blooded.
Mammals have backbones
Mammals give birth to live babies. Baby mammals must be fed and cared for by their parents.
Mammals use lungs to breath. Mammals are covered with hair or fur. Mammals are warm-blood.
Fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals have backbones. Animals with a backbone, an internal skeleton are called vertebrates Fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals have backbones. Fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals are vertebrates
What organ does it use to breath? Is it warm blooded or cold blooded? Saint William School Name ___________________________________________________________ Date ______________ Covering Reproduce What organ does it use to breath? Is it warm blooded or cold blooded? Fish Birds Reptiles Amphibians Mammals