Chapter 3: Non-Associative Learning and Memory From Mechanisms of Memory, second edition By J. David Sweatt, Ph.D.
Cytoskeletal Rearrangement in Synaptic Plasticity
32 P Incorporation into protein or adenine nucleotides Time (hrs) 32 P added Steady State Figure 1 Hypothetical Graph of 32 P-PO 4
C B A Figure 2 AMPA Receptors
Figure 3 Isoelectic Point 3 10 Molecular Weight High (approx 200 kDa) Low (approx 5 kDa) Protein Turnover
Figure 4 Actin Turnover
Figure 5 Aplysia californica
Figure 6 Siphon-gill and tail-siphon withdrawal reflexes of Aplysia
Figure 7: C Short-term Sensitization of the gill-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia
Figure 8 Circuit Diagrams of the Siphon-gill
Figure 9 Heterosynaptic Facilitation of the Sensorimotor
Figure 10 Molecular events in Aplysia
Figure 11 Mechanisms of long-term memory formation
Substrates PO 4 Substrates Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis Facilitation of Neurotransmitter release PDE cAMP AMP cAMP Shorter Term Longer Term Reg.Cat. Reg.Cat. Reg.Cat. Reg.Cat. Reg. Cat. Reg. Cat. Figure 12 PKA Altered Gene Expression and
Figure 13 Aplysia
Figure 14 Cellular basis of behavior
Figure 15 The Eskin/ Byrne model in Aplysia long-term facilitation
Figure 16 Injury-induced Spinal and Behavioral Sensitization
Figure 17 Anatomical Pain Pathways Cortex Spinal cord Midbrain Amygdala Medulla DRG Aδ-fiber C-fiber Pons Hypothalamus PAG Thalamus Ascending Pathways Descending Pathways Withdrawal Reflex End-organ tissue nociceptor terminals RVM Figure 17
Blue Box 1 Adenylyl Cyclase α γ β GTP GDP ATP cAMP Substrate PO 4 Reg Cat. Ion Channels “G s ” Protein Receptor cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase (PKA) The cAMP System Receptor α γ β GTPGDP “G o ” Protein PLC IP 3 DAG Ca ++ PKC Substrate PO 4 PIP 2 The PLC System Coupling of Receptors to Intracellular Messengers
Blue Box 2 Potential Signal Transduction routes leading to MAPK Activation in Neurons GFR Grb2 Rap1 MEK p42 mapk Raf-1 B-Raf PKA PKC PKA AC Effectors Sos Ras
PO 4 ras GDPGTP GTP Hydrolysis GAPs GTPase Activating Proteins e.g. NF1, SynGAP GEFs Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Proteins e.g. SOS, cAMP GEF, Ca 2+ /DAG GEF, ras GRF InactiveActive + + Blue Box 3 Regulation of RAS
Blue Box 4 Habituation and Synaptic Inhibition
Blue Box 6 Swimming ContactWithdrawal Preparation for swimming A B C Escape Swimming in Tritonia