N ATIONAL 4/5 H OSPITALITY Unit 2 -Understanding and Using Ingredients
I DENTIFY A VARIETY OF INGREDIENTS AND DESCRIBE AND DEMONSTRATE SAFE FOOD STORAGE You will learn the different groupings of ingredients and be able to identify some characteristics about them. You will learn how to store foods safely to avoid food poisoning and to prolong the shelf-life of the food. You will select and use these ingredients to make a range of recipes and use the ingredients as garnishes for savoury dishes or decorations for sweet dishes.
S COTTISH D IETARY T ARGETS You will learn the 8 Scottish Dietary Targets? You will be able to select ingredients or make adaptations to recipes to meet the Scottish dietary targets and therefore make recipes healthier to eat.
I MPORTANCE OF SOURCING SUSTAINABLE INGREDIENTS AND CHOOSING FOODS IN SEASON You will learn how to source ingredients to ensure sustainability. You will consider the benefits of using foods when ‘in season’
D EVELOPMENT OF PRACTICAL SKILLS You will continue to develop a wide range of practical skills to make a selection of recipes related to the topics covered in this unit. You will demonstrate a range of garnishes and decorating techniques. You will work safely and hygienically.