T ITLE I-A B ACK TO B ASICS ESEA Odyssey August 2013
P URPOSE OF T ITLE I-A The purpose of Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged (Title I-A) is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and to reach proficiency on challenging State academic standards and assessments.
P URPOSE OF T ODAY ’ S S ESSION Participants will learn the basics of Title I-A programs including information about different program models and the advantages and disadvantages of both.
A GENDA Introductions & Overview Fiscal BasicsProgram DesignParaprofessionals Parental Involvement Private SchoolsQuestions?
T ITLE I-A B ASICS Purpose of Title I-A Provide supplemental service to students at risk of failing academic standards Title I, Part A is a state-administered program Process USED grants funds to state based on statutory formulas State grants funds to LEAs based on statutory formula LEA allocates funds to schools based on ranking and serving
E XPENDITURES All expenditures must be for : Educational purposes Reasonable and necessary to carry out the program Two types of expenditures District level Building level Targeted Assistance program Schoolwide program
D ISTRICT L EVEL S ET - ASIDES Public and Private School Program Administration REQUIRED - services for all homeless students Also, provide academic support in non- Title I-A funded schools Homeless Student Services Extended day/Summer school Use only if multiple Title I-A buildings District-run programs
D ISTRICT L EVEL S ET - ASIDES REQUIRED - 1% if the district allocation is over $500,000 95% goes back to the I-A buildings and 5% must remain at the district level Parent/Family Involvement District level only Professional Development If applicable Neglected Students Optional Other Authorized Programs
B UILDING L EVEL T ARGETING R ANK AND S ERVE Must serve schools with 75% or greater poverty Can rank by grade span and then poverty Can rank by poverty without regard to grade span
P ROGRAM D ESIGN Two program models in Title I-A Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS) Schoolwide Programs (SWP)
Must identify Title I-A students and provide with supplemental services Must ensure Title I-A funds are solely used to benefit identified students For schools ineligible or that choose not to operate a schoolwide program
W HO IS A T ITLE I-A STUDENT ? Any student identified as failing or at risk of failing state academic standards Identification is not based on poverty (Homeless and Migrant students automatically eligible)
H OW TO IDENTIFY T ITLE I-A STUDENTS Students eligible: Multiple measures Educationally related Objective criteria If preschool- grade 2, Judgment of teacher Interviews with parents Other developmentally appropriate measures
S ELECTING S TUDENTS FOR S ERVICE From the universe of eligible students Select those with the greatest need for additional academic assistance
C OMPONENTS OF A TAS Use Title I-A funds to help selected students meet state standards Incorporate Title I-A plans into existing school plans Effective methods and instructional strategies based on scientifically-based research (SBR) Extended learning time Accelerated, high-quality curriculum Minimal pull from class
C OMPONENTS OF A TAS ( CONT ) Coordinate with regular education program Highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals Professional development Parental involvement Coordinate with other federal, state and local services and programs
TAS P ROGRAM D ESIGN Historically, pull-out programs have been (and still are) used Double/triple dosing Currently, more focus on extended learning time Extended school year Before- and after-school programs Summer school
I NCIDENTAL I NCLUSION School may provide, on an incidental basis, services to children who have not been selected to participate
I NCIDENTAL S ERVICES Incidental services may only be provided if: Designed to meet the needs of Title I-A students and focused on those students Does not decrease the amount, duration, or quality of service for the identified students Does not increase the costs Does not result in the exclusion of children who would otherwise receive Title I-A services
I NTEGRATION OF P ERSONNEL Title I-A funded staff may: Participate in general professional development Assume limited duties that are assigned to similar personnel, as long as it is of the same proportion
T ITLE I-A F UNDED P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT May include any teachers that serve Title I-A students at some point during the day “Title I-A funds cannot be used to pay for professional development of staff who do not serve any Title I-A students at some point during the day” Ray Simon, USED Guidance Letter (2004)
R ECORD K EEPING Current, written TAS plan Expenditure reports that document funds spent only on participating students Time and effort
S UPPLEMENT N OT S UPPLANT Services in addition to that which is provided from non-Title I-A sources Serving only identified students What would happen in the absence of Title I-A funds?
S CHOOLWIDE P ROGRAMS Purpose is to upgrade the entire educational program of the school Prerequisites 40% poverty* One-year planning process * Priority and Focus Schools may not need to meet the 40% poverty threshold to go schoolwide OR apply for an EdFlex Schoolwide Poverty Threshold waiver
S CHOOLWIDE P ROGRAMS (SWP) Enable all students to meet academic standards Not required to show supplemental services to identified students Must provide core instruction from general funds
SWP T EN C OMPONENTS Comprehensive needs assessment Identify research-based reform strategies Student assessment of progress Timely student assistance Professional development Highly qualified staff Retain and recruit Parental involvement Transitions and collaboration Annual evaluation Fiscal coordination
SWP R ECORD K EEPING Compliant and updated schoolwide plan Annual evaluation of progress Time and effort
S UPPLEMENT N OT S UPPLANT Services in addition to those provided from non- Title I-A sources What would happen in the absence of Title I-A funds?
R EQUIREMENTS FOR P ARAPROFESSIONALS AT T ITLE I-A S CHOOLS Must be highly qualified Provides instructional support (not direct instruction) Under direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher Can assume an equitable share of non-Title duties (ie lunch duty, playground supervision, bus duty)
P ARENTAL I NVOLVEMENT R EQUIREMENTS Annual meeting Review Title I-A programs Notify & inform Increase knowledge Build capacity
P ARENTAL I NVOLVEMENT P OLICIES District Parent Involvement Policy School Parent Involvement Plan School/Parent Compact
P ARENT N OTIFICATIONS Teacher qualifications HQT status – four-week letter Student achievement levels on state academic assessments Annual district report card
P ARENTAL N OTIFICATION Notifications can be found on Transact
P ARENTAL I NVOLVEMENT Parent Involvement Set-aside 1% of the district Title I-A allocation if it is over $500,000 95% of that goes directly to the Title I-A schools for parent involvement activities and requirements Remaining 5% pays for district-level parental involvement activities Participating private schools receive an equitable share of these funds
T ITLE I-A AND P RIVATE S CHOOLS Timely and meaningful consultation Build partnerships with private schools Targeted assistance program Funding students vs. serving students Equitable services and participation in instruction and set-asides
F OR M ORE I NFORMATION Melinda Bessner Russ Sweet Title I-A Resources can be found at