1 46th Annual PAFPC Conference May 5, 2015 MARIA GARCIA Schoolwide Program Manager DIVISION OF FEDERAL PROGRAMS Title I Schoolwide Programs
2 Presentation Overview Brief Overview of Title I Program Requirements Program Components Fiscal Requirements Benefits of Schoolwide Programs Next Step...
3 Title I Largest federally funded education program. Largest federally funded education program. Purpose: To help low achieving students achieve high academic standards. Purpose: To help low achieving students achieve high academic standards. Supplemental Educational Assistance Supplemental Educational Assistance Mainly in Reading & Math Two main models for servicing students: Two main models for servicing students: Targeted Assistance Program Schoolwide Programs 3
4 Schoolwide Program
5 What is a Schoolwide Program? A Schoolwide Program (SWP) is a comprehensive reform strategy designed to upgrade the entire educational program in a Title I school; its primary goal is to ensure that all students, particularly those that are low achieving, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on state academic standards.
6 SCHOOLWIDE Identification of Students Schoolwide programs are not required to specifically identify eligible Title I students for targeted Title I services. All students are eligible to participate in all aspects of the schoolwide program. The statute requires the program to particularly address the needs of low achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the state student academic achievement standards.
7 SWP has Three Core Elements: Comprehensive Needs Assessment Schoolwide Plan (either the School Level Plan and Addendum or Schoolwide temaplate (only for undesignated and reward schools/charters) Annual Review of Effectiveness
8 Program Requirements 40% poverty threshold (unless waived by PDE) One year of planning prior to implementation (unless waived by PDE) Annual evaluation of the program effectiveness 10 implementation components
9 Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan Component 1 - Needs Assessment (5 Step Process) 1) Establishing SW planning team Organizes and oversees the needs assessment Leads staff in developing the SWP Oversees and conducts annual evaluation 2) Clarifying the vision for reform Discusses how their reformed school will look
10 Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan (cont.) Component 1 - Needs Assessment (5 Step Process) (continued) 3) Creating the school profile Serves as the starting point Will provide a picture of data driven description of the school’s students, staff, community demographics, programs, and mission 4) Identifying data sources Quantitative Qualitative Dropout rate Graduation rate 5) Analyzing data The team analyzes the data and the gaps between the current operating state and the established vision.
11 Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan (cont.) Component 2 - Schoolwide reform strategies that: Increase the amount & quality of learning time (extended year, before- and after-school) Address needs of all, but particularly low-achieving Component 3 - Instruction by “highly qualified” (HQ) teachers HQ teachers in all core content areas All instructional paraprofessionals meeting NCLB requirements
12 Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan (cont.) Component 4 - High Quality & Ongoing Professional Development PD must be aligned to achieving the goals of the SW program. PD must be extended to those who partner with teachers to support student achievement. Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan (cont.)
13 Component 5 - Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers The SW plan must describe what strategies it will use to attract and retain HQ teachers. A statement that your district/charter only hires HQ is not sufficient in a SW plan. Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan (cont.)
14 Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan (cont.) Component 6 - Parental Involvement SW Plans must contain strategies to involve parents, especially in helping their children do well in school. Must have at least 1 parent in the planning team. Component 7 - Transition from pre-school SW programs are required to implement effective pre- school transitional programs in order to better prepare students for the kindergarten curriculum.
15 Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan (cont.) Component 8 - Include teachers in assessment decisions Provide Professional Development to teachers about multiple assessments Teachers should know, understand, and be able to use assessments on a regular basis to inform instruction. Component 9 - Timely, effective additional assistance Plans must include regular assessments of all students and specific plans for what happens when a student is not achieving.
16 Component 10 - Coordination and Integration Coordination and Integration of Federal, state and local funds, programs and services Ten Required Components of the Schoolwide Plan (cont.)
17 Annual Review Regulations require that SW schools conduct an annual review of the SWP Annual Review should answer two main questions: Was the program implemented as the planning team intended? Was there improvement in student achievement, particularly for the lowest-achieving students?
18 Fiscal Requirements
20 Time Distribution Required: Semi-Annual Certification The Principal will list all the teachers and paraprofessionals that work in the Schoolwide school and state that all their time and effort is to support schoolwide goals and objectives.
21 Documentation A school operating a SWP must retain the following documentation for five years: Documentation related to the three core components: Comprehensive Needs Assessment Schoolwide Plan Annual Review
22 Benefits of a Schoolwide Programs
23 Benefits of Schoolwide Programs Flexibility Must meet “intent and purpose” of program Not required to identify particular children: all children Coordination and Integration Not required to provide supplemental services: can use all resources of the school Accountability Unified Goals
24 Going from Targeted Assistance to Schoolwide Personnel Reorganization The school will do the needs assessment to determine the goals… The team should analyze how the Title I teachers can take a new role at the school to help you reach your schoolwide goals
25 Interested in Becoming a Schoolwide School? Steps: Send an intent form to your regional coordinator to lock the start date for planning (Found in DFP’s website) Is your building between 30% and 39% poverty level? Submit a waiver request and have it approved by PDE before starting the planning process. (Found in DFP’s website) Required Application as of School Level Plan AND addendum-If the School’s designation is Priority or Focus or SWP Template found in DFP’s website
26 Title I funding will support the implementation of your Schoolwide Plan.
27 How do I find Schoolwide Information? Go to Click on “Programs” in the left column Click on “Programs D-G” Click on “Federal Programs” Click on “Title I” Click on “Title I Schoolwide Programs”
29 Note: If additional copies of packet or PowerPoint Presentation are needed, please Sheri Graves