By: Dominique Dews
Her Music HELP influence the worls & HELP woman to rap and believe in thereseleves Recevied Grammy nominaton for “Best Female Rap Solo” for the song Go Head Her album “Black Reigin” became GOLD an album! (dedicated to her brother)
Her “4” unique Balance Fire: (warmth, inspration. Enthusiasm) Earth: (praticality, realism, material intrest Air: (social & intellectual qualties Water: (emotional needs & feelings Her father, mom & her
She was the victim of a car jacking. Her pershing of her brother Lance
Her muslim cousin gave her the nickname “Latifah ” (delicate or sensitve) at 8 years old. Started rapping in high school in a group “ Lades Fresh ” {beatbox}. In college she got the name Queen Latifah & hooked up with Afrika Bambatta’s Native Tounge. Release first single “ Wrath of My Madness ” in First public performance sanging “Home” in Wizard of OZ
In 1991 she started a Mangment Company “Flavor Unit Entertainment” 1991: Her album “ The Lighter Nature of Sista ” wasn’t popular. When her contract with Tommy Boy was up : they elected not to re-sign her.
""Queen Latifah." Starpluse. 16 Feb Web. 1 Jan. ography/ ""Queen Latifah." Bio.True.Story. Web. 18 Feb ""Queen Latifah." Top Synergy. Web. 18 Feb acteristics.asp