BIT 143: Programming & Data Structures in C#
Today UWB CSS Advisor Stacey Doran will give a brief talk at the start of class Quiz BST.Remove review QuickSort Preview Algorithm Work time BIT 143 2
Next week Internship Coordinator Erika Jurmann will give a quick talk QuickSort In-Depth Final Exam Q+A BIT 143 3
Next next week Final exam Photo ID will be required Let me know if this is a problem You have enough time to get a Cascadia Student ID, if nothing else You can stay late (till 10:05pm) Notify me if you want to start before 5:45pm BIT 143: Programming and Data Structures 4
BIT 143: Programming And Data Structures5 Due Dates: What's due now? PCE 08, Viewing Quiz 08 A3 (final version) due now Now is the official start to "It's been handed in when grade it or else it's a zero"
Due Dates: Due next week PCE 09 Viewing quiz for lesson 09 A4 revision BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 6
And now... the quiz! BIT 143 7