VWS2 Marketing & Communications Meeting BU prese 21st & 22nd June 2011
2 House keeping Welcome to Marlow
Objectives Marketing similar services and products to the same markets and facing the same opportunities and challenges: →Get to get to know each other better →Share best practice within VWS2 →Establish a VWS2 marketing / communications community →Increase return on investment !!!! 3
Promotional Tool Sharing 13:30 – 15:00 1. Creative 2. Where used 3. Measure of success Advertising Online & off line Direct Mail & flyers Promo item ideas Brochures 4 Can you use material, ideas or tools from other BUs?
Promotional Tool Sharing 13:30 – 15:00 PR Case Studies AnglesMedia Success stories 5 How can we share? , central file, regular review, challenges?
Web site 15:15 – 17:00 6 Website review results →How can our websites be improved using this information?
Google analytics / ad words →What are the actions resulting from analytics review? 7 Web site 15:15 – 17:00
Day 1 close 8
Business intelligence Sales, service, tele marketing Letters & mailers E-marketing Online shop & web site Exhibitions & Seminars Advertising & PR 9 Lead tracking & ROI – 9:00 to 10:30
Budget investment How much? Lead generation How many? Which medium? Qualified prospect How tracked? 10 Lead tracking & ROI – 9:00 to 10:30
Customer engagement – 11:00 to 12:30 Branding – update from each BU on brands within their regions →How will / should BU brands change in the next 2 years →Support needed? →Should we be pushing to rebrand? Marketing plans →Process focused on our customers - how can we improve our understanding of their needs? →Do we fully understand what customers value (price, quality functionality, sustainability, etc)? →Are we clearly communicating the value we offer? →How can we improve our understanding of our customers across VWS2? 11
Social Media – 13:30 to 14:30 How can we use social media to engage our customers? Can social media work for B2B marketing? How can we improve communication within VWS2 businesses functions focused on sharing best practice? 12
Summary 13 Key actions to be completed by group Date & location of next meeting