Basic Safety Rules Use common sense. No unauthorized experiments. No horseplay. Handle chemicals/glassware with respect.
Safety Features of the Lab safety shower fire blanket fire extinguisher eye wash fume hood circuit breaker switch
Government Regulation of Chemicals Chemical Stewardship Consumer Worker Environment FDA, USDA, FAA, Consumer Product Safety Commission OSHA EPA The government regulates chemicals to reduce the risk to the… Is this an appropriate role for government?
Thalidomide Prescription drug for morning sickness Drug can be made in two ways –Put together same material in more than one way. A = “good” drug (stops morning sickness) B = “bad” drug (birth defects) Side-effect from “bad” drug –Stopped development in fetus Short arms; “flipper-babies”
“Happy” & “Sad” Balls Cis-isomer –Sad ball Trans-isomer –Happy ball
Mercury Poisoning One tiny drop of mercury shatters lives and science LYME, N.H. (AP) — It was just a drop of liquid, That night, Leon drove her to the emergency just a tiny glistening drop. It glided over her glove room. It was Monday, Jan. 20, 1997, five months like a jewel.since she had spilled the drop in the lab. Scientist Karen Wetterhahn knew the risks: The Just a single drop of liquid. Yet somehow it had bad stuff kills if you get too close.penetrated her skin. She took all the precautions working with mer- By the weekend, Karen couldn't walk, her speech cury in her Dartmouth College lab — wearing pro-was slurred and her hands trembled. Leon paced the tective gloves and eye goggles, working under a house. "Virus" seemed an awfully vague diagnosis, ventilated hood that sucks up chemical fumes. for symptoms that were getting worse every day. So on that sunny day in August, when she acci- "It's mercury poisoning," Dr. David Nierenberg dentally spilled a drop, she didn't think anything ofsaid. "We have to start treatment immediately." it. She washed her hands, cleaned her instruments Leon hung up with relief. At last, they understood and went home. the problem. Now maybe they could fix it. It was just a drop of liquid, just a tiny glistening It seemed impossible to believe that anything drop. could be wrong with Karen Wetterhahn, one of At first, friends thought she had caught a stomachthose quietly impressive individuals whose lives bug on her trip to Malaysia. It wasn't until she seemed charmed from the start. started bumping into doors that her husband, Leon Serious and hardworking, she excelled at every - Webb, began to worry. Karen, always so focused, thing she turned to — science or sailing or skiing. always so sure of her next step, was suddenly fallingShe grew up near Lake Champlain in upstate New down as if she were drunk.York in a family so close that when she and her only In 15 years together, she had never been sick, nev-sister became mothers, they named their daughters er stopped working, never complained. Leon wasafter each other: Charlotte and Karen. stunned when she called for a ride home from work. Karen was always the brilliant one of the family, Over lunch a few days later, Karen confided to herthe one who would do great things. And she did, be- best friend, Cathy Johnson, that she hadn't felt rightcoming the first woman chemistry professor at for some time. Words seemed to be getting stuck inDartmouth, running a world-renowned laboratory her throat. Her hands tingled. It felt like her wholeon chromium research, devoting herself to her body was moving in slow "Karen," Johnson said as she drove her back to It was important work, the kind that could lead to the college, "we've got to get you to the hospital."cures for cancer and AIDS. Karen thrived on it. She "After work," Karen promised, walking unsteadi-loved nothing more than experimenting with a ly into the Burke chemistry building for the lastchemical, figuring out its bad side and how it breaks time.down living things. Karen Wetterhahn, a chemistry Professor at Dartmouth College, died of mercury poisoning after spilling just one drop in a labor- atory on Aug. 14, The mercury penetrated her skin through gloves.
Lead Poisoning (Plumbism) LD 50 = mg / kg Effects: slow mental development, lack of concentration Small children may accidentally ingest lead-based paints that peel off from window sills and walls. Lead accumulates near bone joints – lighter color on X-ray is lead.
Safety Symbols SAFETY CLOTHING This symbol is to remind you to wear a laboratory apron over your street clothes to protect your skin and clothing from spills. SAFETY GOGGLES This symbol is to remind you that safety goggles are to worn at all times when working in the laboratory. For some activities, your teacher may also instruct you to wear protective gloves. GLOVES This symbol is to remind you to wear gloves to protect your hands from contact with corrosive substances, broken glass, or hot objects. HEATING This symbol indicates that you should be careful not to touch hot objects with your bare hands. Use either tongs or heat-proof gloves to pick up hot objects.. FIRE This symbol indicates the presence of an open flame. Loose hair should be tied back or covered, and bulky or loose clothing should be secured in some manner. CORROSIVE SUBSTANCE This symbol indicates a caustic or corrosive substance - most frequently an acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Do not inhale vapors. BREAKAGE This symbol indicates an activity in which the likelihood of breakage is greater than usual, such as working with glass tubing, funnels and so forth. DANGEROUS VAPORS This symbol indicates the presence of or production of poisonous or noxious vapors. Use the fume hood when directed to do so. Care should be taken not to inhale vapors directly. When testing an odor, use a wafting motion to direct the vapor toward your nose. EXPLOSION This symbol indicates that the potential for an explosive situation is present. When you see this symbol, read the instructions care- fully and follow them exactly.. POISON This symbol indicates the presence of a poi- sonous substance. Do not let such a substance come in contact with your skin and do not inhale its vapors. ELECTRICAL SHOCK This symbol indicates that the potential for an electrical shock exists. Read all instructions carefully. Disconnect all apparatus when not in use. RADIATION This symbol indicates a radioactive substance. Follow your teacher's instructions as to proper handling of such substances.. DISPOSAL This symbol indicates that a chemical should be disposed of in a special way. Dispose of these chemicals as directed by your teacher. HYGIENE This symbol is to remind you to always wash your hands after completing a labor- atory investigation. Never touch your face or eyes during a laboratory investigation.
Safety Symbols Eye Protection Required Clothing Protection Required Hand Protection Required Chemical Safety Caustic Substance Heat Protection Glassware Safety Laboratory Hygiene Sharp Object Hazard Waste Disposal
Safety Equipment Fire Extinguisher Type A Type B Type C Safety Goggles Safety Shower
Chemical Burns Chemical burns on feet. Skin burned by chemicals Flammable ReactiveHealth Special
Laboratory Safety Rules DANGER
SAFETY in the Science Classroom Obey the safety contract –Use common sense –No unauthorized experiments –Wear safety glasses –Safety is an attitude! –Don’t take anything out of lab –Read and follow all instructions –NO HORSE PLAY!
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Gives information about a chemical. Lists “Dos” and “Don’ts.”
Chemical Exposure a one-time exposure causes damage acute exposurechronic exposure damage occurs after repeated exposure
How Toxic is “Toxic?” Flammable Explosive Radioactive Corrosive Irritant Toxic –Chronic –Chronic toxicity toxicity: low doses repeated over a long period of time –Acute –Acute toxicity toxicity: immediate effect of a substance as a result of a single dose “Lethal Dose 50%” LD 50 Chemicals may cause harm in many different ways.
Toxicity Which is more toxic?
Toxicity Which is more toxic? Chemical A: LD 50 = 3.2 mg/kg Chemical B: LD 50 = 48 mg/kg Chemical A is more toxic because less of it proves fatal to half of a given population.
the lethal dosage for 50% of animals on which the chemical is tested LD 50 There are various ways an LD 50 can be expressed. For example, acetone has the following LD 50 s: ORL-RAT LD 50 :5,800 mg/kg IHL-RAT LD 50 :50,100 mg/m 3 -h SKN-RBT LD 50 :20 g/kg
Knowledge = Safety Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) –Lists hazards, special handling instructions, and risks associated with a material. Supplied by manufacturer. Acute Exposure –Single episode can cause great damage Chronic Exposure –Many episodes over a period of time cause damage Carcinogen – causes cancer Mutagen – causes mutations (genetic defects) Tetragen – causes birth defects Neurotoxin – severely poisonous and toxic