Book Three Lesson Three Two Very Different Ghost Festivals 東海高中英語科教師王學偉、陳素蓉、熊淑芬
Vocabulary Words for production
It is _______ true that women are more patient than men. generally / directly/ actively
This restaurant is widely ____ as the best in the city. wander / regarded / whistle
School ______ will open again in the afternoon for students to go home. directions / masks / gates
Some people believe that bad people will go to _____ after they die. fortune / hell / heaven
Without a map, I _____ around London and enjoyed the feeling of getting a bit lost there. emerged / active / wandered
Irene had the good ______ to visit several countries in Europe when she was a student. mask / park / fortune
There are many ______ that students can do after school, such as swimming and cooking. activity / fortune/ gate
The children were excited to ______ their paper boats on the lake. whistle / float / emerge
We couldn’t find the library until a kind man gave us ______ to it. direction / fortune/ whistle
Mark ______ to his dogs that were running around in the park to go home with him. ask / emerge/ whistle
Ms. Roberts was very active in social ______, like parties, when she was young. girl / event/ mask
It stopped raining in the afternoon, and then the sun ______ from behind the clouds. ask / emerge/ whistle
Connie was frightened by the ______ ghost story. active / scary/ fortunate
At the party, no one’s face could be seen clearly because everyone there was wearing a ______. mask / face/ gate
In the story, the ______ witches wanted to kill the pretty woman to get her heart. fortunate / evil /scary
Every resident of this building can use the sports equipment at no ______ cost. scary / extra / less
Bruce’s girlfriend is a distant cousin of mine; she and I are ______. relative / mask / activity
Betty’s parents are ______ from Taiwan. They came to the United States twenty years ago. relatives / / gates relatives / immigrants / gates
In the past, people wrote letters to one another; ______, people usually use . finally / nowadays / future
Idioms & Phrases
My grandfather ______ ______ when I was a baby, so I never had the chance to get to know him. pass away/ go away /right away
Jack was a problem child before, but he has ______ ______ a good student now. run into / turn into /go into /go into
Alice is _______ _______ _______ meeting her online friend in person this Saturday. turn into / pass away looking forward to
Ian ______ ______ ______ a wizard for the costume party. believed in / turned into dressed up as
The salesperson went ______ ______ ______ ______ to sell the products. from door to door/ turn into / look forward to
Steve doesn’t ______ ______ ghosts; he said they are just in people’s imagination. pass away / dress up / believe in