Day of Snowdrop in Great Britain
Day of Snow drop was celebrated 19 th of April since In first sunny days this flower appears under snow. It is one of the most favourite holidays in Great Britain. That’s very beautiful flower which it is a symbol of purity and hope. Of course, this celebrating became not by chance.
Benjamin Disraeli is a famous statesman, writer and outstanding diplomat. He died in this day of So there are a lot of legends about emergence of this holiday. It is supposed that favourite Benjamin’s flower was a snowdrop. More than that it is said that in ancient castle Hughenden Manor of Buckinghamshire visitors see the Ghost of Lord Stop with snowdrop. It is Benjamin Disraeli.
Every year the festival attracts thousands of Snowdrop’s lovers in the parks of England, that to celebrate the arrival of spring.
Besides British people believe that if you plant snowdrops around the house, they will safeguard it from evil forces. They also decorate the garden bed in front of the house and a lot of flower beds in cities of Great Britain.
Interesting fact: The most popular Snowdrop in London is galanthus. These flowers tolerate freezing to -10 C.