Julie Engel President/CEO, Greater Yuma Economic Development
40 Companies Surveyed 77% of all businesses that export are experiencing sales increases over last year 81% of firms are projecting positive comp sales for 89% of businesses are increasing or maintaining staffing levels Low Union Presence common thread by businesses
CompanyNo. of EmployeesPayroll NWI Expansion 20$353,600 Yuma Truck Driving School*131$5,240,000 Botavia Energy 4$96,000 Insultech** 12$360,000 Datepac*** 6$156,000 Total173$6,205,600 Avg. Wage: $35,870 or $17.24/hour *Over 160 drivers were trained and certified in Yuma between with a 80% retention rate of drivers remaining in the community. ** Insultech plans to increase their workforce by 48 new employees within the next 6 months. *** Arizona Commerce Authority grant assisted with the equipment acquisition to create 6 new jobs.
CompanyAmount NWI ExpansionN/A Yuma Truck Driving SchoolN/A Botavia$336,000 Insultech$650,000 Datepac$60,000 Total$1,046,000
TaxesAmount Estimated HURF$111,425 Estimated State Shared Revenues$231,026 Estimated Sales Tax Generated$134,310 Estimated Property Tax on Capital Improvements$274,281 Total$751,042
GrantValue of GrantRecipient Helios Grant$3,900,000Yuma Union High School Arizona Commerce Authority - Rural Economic Development Grant $564,000Insultech/Datepac Yuma Private Industry Council$329,581YPIC Total Value of Grants$4,793,581
Locates Payroll*$6,205,600 Locates Capital Investment$1,046,000 Estimated Tax Revenue**$751,042 Grant Awards$4,793,581 Total$12,796,223
Sun Corridor Campaign Arizona Commerce Authority California Strategy Industry Sector Focus – Renewable Energy, Manufacturing, Food Processing, Logistics and Aerospace Arizona Commerce Authority Unmanned Aerial Integration Research Data and Back Office Sector for Yuma County