5 mins on last days of life and palliative care emergencies ! Dr. Ros Taylor Hospice Director Hospice of St. Francis Berkhamsted June 2012
Know who to ring !!! Know where the resources are ! Mount Vernon Cancer Network Advice Hospices….open all hours Peri-patetic Marie Curie Nurse OOH District Nurses
Last moments of life Precious Very symbolic to be together Hours at bedside - focus on separation and memories
Acknowledge death is near Fundamental to good management Allows symptom control and decisions Allows final business and acceptance If ignore closeness to death No care of dying Inappropriate treatment
Surprise Question “ would I be surprised if this patient died in ………..a few days ??”
Anticipate We can see the future…..often
Clinical intuition Declining mobility Distracted and distant Breathless Difficulty swallowing Circulation changes PEOPLE KNOW !!
Limit treatment to : Analgesia s/c diamorphine or morphine Sedation if needed s/c midazolam or levomepromazine Anticholinergic s/c glycopyrronium or hyoscine
Just in Case Boxes 3-5 days of –Analgesia –Sedation –Drying agent –Anti-nausea
Stopping medication Stop futile medication - treat symptoms only If unable to swallow - use parenteral route
Syringe drivers When to use Unable to take oral medication Nausea and vomiting Dysphagia Unconscious What to use
Fentanyl in the last days Keep patch on at same dose death Add extra analgesia as morphine in a driver
The Pain of it all
Managing terminal pain Continue analgesia until death If not swallowing then s/c infusion of diamorphine with 1/3 of previous oral morphine dose Breakthrough pain Use sixth of 24hr opioid dose If not had opioids Then mg diamorphine s/c per 24 hrs Plus anti-emetic
Terminal Dyspnoea INSPIRE EXPIRE Powerful words
When midazolam fails Short acting 1-3 hrs amnesic not analgesic in some people acts like alcohol –increase agitation and aggression Alcohol and benzo use affects its activity try Nozinan or Phenobarbitone
Terminal restlessness Look for reversible cause Bladder, bowel, pain, hypoxia Best drug is midazolam 2.5mg – 5mg s/c midazolam 20 mg++ per 24 hrs midazolam Or lorazepam SL
Sedation “If you want to die in your sleep you have to sleep first..”
Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying ?? Stairway to Heaven Or ?? Improve everyones care to a minimum standard
Know who to ring !!! Know where the resources are ! Mount Vernon Cancer Network Advice Hospices….open all hours Peri-patetic HUC Marie Curie Nurse OOH District Nurses