Charles County Public Schools College & Career Readiness
Elementary Career Exploration “Paws in Jobland ” Job Finder- 26 interest questions link to work environments Job Land- 100 Careers featured in 20 work environments Quiz- Quizzes about jobs ABC Search- 100 Careers listed in ABC order
Middle and High School “Career Cruising” Access from school and home Career Matchmaker – Interest questions Explore Careers- S earch by Subject, Career Cluster, ABC order Explore Education & Training – Provide College, University & Vocational School Information Career Portfolio- Save Career searches, Resume and Education Plans
Career Fairs Parent volunteers and resource people from the community receive an invitation to demonstrate their specific careers on these days. Parents or business personnel who are interested in telling students about their careers are asked to contact their local school to present.
College Day/Week Morning Announcements College Shirt Day College Door day Classroom College Guidance lessons College Visit to CSM Way2 Go Maryland
College Fair Colleges in attendance 11 HBCU Schools 1,822 juniors and seniors attended 1400 parents and students in the evening Congressional appointments for the US Academies Maryland Delegate Scholarships Representatives from the Armed Forces
College Admission Counselor Visits Face to face Specific questions can be answers More detailed presentation
Maryland College Application Week October Maryland State Campaign Increase the number of students applying to college Pilot in 5 CCPS high schools Assist students step by step with the application process Over 1300 seniors completed at least 1 college application Students applied during the school day Retired teachers, CSM Admission Staff and Parent Volunteers assisted students with their applications
Financial Aid Workshops 2 Financial Aid Workshops during the College Fair Additional Financial Aid Workshops scheduled at each high school during November & December Parents able to register for a FSA ID- secure access
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Completion Apply in January CSM will host FAFSA Completion Days Every Post Secondary School require families to complete a FAFSA Types of loans : Pell Grants, State Aid, Work Study, Perkins Loans, Federal Direct Loans Determines financial need to attend College