THE LEARNING PLAN Chapter 18-1: Everything Is Connected
Interdependence of Life – GPS S7L4 - Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments. b – Explain in a food web that sunlight is the source of energy and that this energy moves from organism c – Recognize that changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of both individuals and entire species.
Task Read Chapter 18 Section 1 (18.1) and complete Cornell Notes.
Why use the Cornell Note method for note-taking? It is an organized method to help you systematically take notes. There are many different note-taking methods, however, if we all use the same format it will be easier to compare information.
Cornell Notes Template What do Cornell Notes look like? (1) Cue Column (3) Summary Section or Picture/Diagram (2) Note- taking Column
Cornell Notes Template What do Cornell Notes look like? (another example)
(1) Cues: These will serve as memory joggers. Write the titles, main and minor headings, and key terms in this area. (2) Notes: Respond to the cues. Record information in brief statements. Use abbreviations and bulleted lists when possible. Leave space between information and ideas in case you need to add more later. (3) Summary: Summarize the notes on each page. This can usually be done effectively in one to three sentences that recap the main ideas. This section will be useful later when you are reviewing and/or studying. Cornell Notes Template What do Cornell Notes look like?
Cornell Notes How do I use the Cornell Notes as study tool? Review notes ASAP. (Your personal HW assignment.) Highlight important information and clarify anything you don’t understand. – Check with a study buddy, refer to textbook, ask questions in class, etc. Practice summarizing the big ideas (verbally and written) Study the notes (re-read, review highlighted information, formulate questions to answer, etc)
Still need more advice, hints & tips on Cornell Notes? The Learning Toolbox: I need help taking organized notes from my readings: – SCROL method The Learning Toolbox: I am easily distracted when taking notes - ml – TASSEL method