P16081: SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION MODEL Jacob Zaremski – Lead Engineer Mallory Lennon – Project Manager John Ray – Communications Manager Fabian Perez – Purchasing Coordinator Robert Kelley – Document Control/EDGE Coordinator
Our goals for this review Updates from Phase I Review (Background) Engineering Requirements Customer Requirements Market Analysis Functional Decomposition Concept Development System Architecture Engineering Analysis Risk Assessment Project Plans Agenda 10 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes 2 minutes
Goals 1.Receive feedback 2.Identify obstacles between current state and desired end goal 3.Clarify feedback 4.Create action plan for each
Project Statement Develop a physical model of systemic circulation Provide a teaching tool that will validate theoretical models from Chapter 5 of Feher Measure relevant outputs: pressure and flow Interface with P16080 project
Use Scenario
Marketing Potential Quantitative Human Physiology: An Introduction by Joseph J. Feher RIT B&N) Add lab fee $15/student/semester Average 70 students/semester Covers ability to build new system each semester (if desired) Add model as addition to purchasing textbook Add lab experiment and computer program as additional costs 1
Customer Requirements (1 of 2)
Customer Requirements (2 of 2)
Engineering Requirements (1 of 2)
Engineering Requirements (2 of 2)
System Architecture
Flow Diagram
Functional Decomposition
Morph Chart (1 of 2)
Morph Chart (2 of 2)
Concept Selection Criteria
Design Concepts
Pugh Chart (1 of 3)
Pugh Chart (2 of 3)
Pugh Chart (3 of 3)
Preliminary Engineering Analysis Lumped Parameter Model Governing Equations Critical Parameters and Ranges
Lumped Parameter Model
QcQc QRQR Resistance, R C Resistance, R A Resistance, R V Pressure, P A Pressure, P C Pressure, P V Cardiac Output Venous Return v P16081 Pump Arterial Compliance, C A Venous Compliance, C V Capillary Compliance,C
Subsystem Model
Measured Defined 2 Governing Equations: Flow
Governing Equations: Resistance Poiseuille’s Law
Governing Equations: Compliance Tygon Tubing - has been shown to have physiologically relevant compliance - higher wall hardness for arterial, softer for venous 7
Fluid Capacitors Spring piston Air chamber acts as spring
Spring piston (Woodruff et al, 1997) For A = 10 in 2 :
P Cylindrical Tank Compliance Range: mL/mmHg
Rectangular Prism Tanks PP C Arterial C Venous Compliance Range: mL/mmHg
Concept Risks
Technical Risks
Resource Risks
Safety Risks
Environmental Risks
Theoretical Risk Assessment
Project Plans Phase 2
Project Plan Phase 3
Next Steps Engineering Analysis Budget Feasibility Iterate Pugh Chart Collaboration with P16080 PASCO sensors
Concerns 1. Lacking sufficient background knowledge to make supported decisions about system components 2. Accurately modeling textbook models and what precision we will be able to achieve 3. Creating the software interface to run system and/or record desired outputs 4. Possible sources of error that are neglected in calculations
Acknowledgements RIT Faculty Dr. Jennifer Bailey Dr. Steven Day U of R Faculty Dr. Schwartz Dr. Doran Mix Guide Gerald Garavuso
Sources Feher, Joseph J. Quantitative Human Physiology: An Introduction. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic, Print. 3. F. M. Donovan. Design of a Hydraulic Analog of the Circulatory System for Evaluating Artificial Hearts, Biomaterials, Medical Devices, and Artificial Organs, 1975, 3:4, ch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIjIOY0-ieyAIVCqYeCh2pJwgr#imgrc=WwAmF7IltMl6-M%3A Varble N, et al. In vitro hemodynamic model of the arm arteriovenous circulation to study hemodynamics of native arteriovenous fistula and the distal revascularization and interval ligation procedure, Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2013, 59:5, Linearization and nonlinear fluid elements - Dartmouth College 9. Woodruff, Stewart J., Keith M. Sharp, and George M. Pantalos. "Compact Compliance Chamber Design for the Study of Cardiac Performance in Microgravity." ASAIO Journal (1997): Web. 30 Sept
Customer Requirements Mapping (1 of 2)
Customer Requirements Mapping (2 of 2)