Evaluating Project Alternatives Topics Feasibility Studies Alternatives Studies Reading Assignment Textbook – Appendix C
Introduction Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) is the analytical comparison of multiple alternatives that is completed before committing resources to finalizing and design the preferred alternative. The practice of comparing multiple alternative solutions has long been a part of engineering practice. There is, however, a natural human tendency to propose a single alternative for funding or development and justify this option rather than compare multiple options with the goal of choosing the best one. Justification is easier to do than evaluating multiple options and making a learned decision. Thus, many governmental and private agencies have found it necessary to encourage those proposing projects to use AoA.
Common Features o Development of Alternatives o Description of Barriers and Limitations o Defining Environmental Considerations o Defining Constraints and Assumptions o Developing Timeframe o Developing Selection Criteria o Evaluation of Criteria o Recommendations
Development of Alternatives Alternatives o Description of Alternatives o Identify Nonviable Alternatives (fatal flaw) o Evaluate Construction and Operational Concepts o Evaluate Sustainability Concepts
Development of Alternatives
Description of Limitations / Barriers Lack of Funding Lack of Public Support Legal Issues (Revision of Law needed?) Political Opposition Property Condemnation and Acquisitions Obtaining Easements Physical Constraints Access and Permits Geography Adjacent Infrastructure Utilities
Environmental Considerations
Defining Constraints and Assumptions
Developing Timeframe for Project Development
Developing Timeframe for Project Construction
Developing and Evaluation of Selection Criteria
Feasibility Study