2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Work Program Update
Several top projects from 2008 Work Program have been completed. Design is ongoing on other top projects Funding for portion of Archer Braid Trail procured through FDOT for construction in 10% of the 5 cent local option gas tax funds approximately $200,000 – $250,000 per year dedicated for construction of bicycle and pedestrian projects
Commission requested staff to review priority project list following recent community meetings. Staff reviewed specific projects requested by the Commission and have produced a recommendation on project priorities.
Move restriping of SE 15 th Street towards top of priority list. Consider reconstruction and widening to 8’ the existing sidewalk on the east side of SE 15 th rather than construct new 8’ facility on the west side. Move neighborhood connector at SW 1 st Place towards the top of the priority list. Consider construction of 8’ facility on the north side of SW 24 th Ave between Tower Road and I-75 rather than complete the existing sidewalk on the south side over I-75.
Project Priority Ranking: 1.SW 8 th Ave Multiuse Trail 2.NW 98 th Street Sidewalk 3.SE 15 th Street Restriping 4.SW 1 st Place Connector 5.SE 15 th Street Multiuse Path 6.SW 20 th /24 th Sidewalk Extension on south side and feasibility study of multiuse facility on north side
◦ Approve 2010 Bicycle/Pedestrian Work Program Priority List