Our Solar System
Inner Solar System (Terrestrial Planets) Mercury Venus Earth Mars
Evening and Morning Star Mercury and Venus
Mercury Mercury Year = 88 Earth Days Mercury Day = 59 Earth Days
Surface of Mercury Mercury has no atmosphere Water on Mercury? Possibly. Composition = Heavy Elements
Solar Energy Temperature = 662 to -274 degrees Fahrenheit
Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass =.055 Diameter =.383 Tilt =.5 Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass =.055 Diameter =.383 Tilt =.5
Venus Venus Year = 225 Earth Days Venus Day = 243 Earth Days
Surface of Venus Atmosphere Mostly Carbon Dioxide 3% Nitrogen Sulfuric Acid Droplets Composition = Heavy Elements
Solar Energy Temperature = 860 degrees Farhenheit Water on Venus? NO (evaporated)
Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass =.815 Diameter =.949 Tilt = 177.3
Earth Earth Year = 365 days Earth Day = 24 hours
Surface of Earth Atmosphere 78% Nitrogen 21% Oxygen 1% Other Gases Composition = Heavy Elements
Solar Energy Temperature = 140 to -130 degrees Fahrenheit Water on Earth? Yes (liquid, solid, & gas)
Distance From Sun = 1 AU Earth Mass = 1 Diameter = 1 Tilt = 23.45
Mars Mars Year = 1.88 Earth Years Mars Day = 24.5 Earth Hours
Surface of Mars Atmosphere 95% Carbon Dioxide 5% Nitrogen Composition = Heavy Elements
Solar Energy Temperature = 70 to -220 degrees Fahrenheit Water on Mars? Yes (frozen)
Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass =.107 Diameter =.553 Tilt = 25.19
Asteroid Belt Divides the Inner and Outer Planets
Outer Solar System (Jovian Planets) Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Solar Wind Energetic particles that escape from the sun. When the solar system formed, the solar wind pushed the lighter elements (hydrogen and Helium) further from the sun. Earth is protected by its magnetic field
Jupiter Jupiter Year = 12 Earth Years Jupiter Day = 9 hours and 55 minutes
Surface of Jupiter Atmosphere 75% Hydrogen 24 % Helium 1% Other Gases Temperature = -162 degrees Fahrenheit at cloud tops 305 degrees Fahrenheit 120 mi. below clouds
Composition Liquid Metallic Hydrogen & Helium Liquid Methane, Ammonia, & Water Heavy Element Core Water on Jupiter? = Yes (Liquid & Gas)
Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass = Diameter = Tilt = 3.12
Saturn Saturn Year = Earth Years Saturn Day = 10.5 Earth Hours
Surface of Saturn Atmosphere 96% Hydrogen 3 % Helium 1% Other Gases Temperature = -292 degrees Fahrenheit at cloud tops
Composition Liquid Metallic Hydrogen & Helium Liquid Methane, Ammonia, & Water Heavy Element Core Water on Saturn? = Yes (Liquid & Gas)
Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass = Diameter = Tilt = 26.73
Uranus Uranus Year = Earth Years Uranus Day = Earth Hours
Surface of Uranus Atmosphere 84% Hydrogen 14% Helium 2% Methane Temperature = -360 degrees Fahrenheit at cloud tops
Composition Liquid Molecular Hydrogen & Helium Highly Compressed Water Heavy Element Core Water on Uranus? = Yes (Liquid)
Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass = 14.5 Diameter = Tilt = 97.86
Neptune Neptune Year = Earth Years Neptune Day = Earth Hours
Atmosphere 84% Hydrogen 14% Helium 2% Methane Temperature = -360 degrees Fahrenheit at cloud tops Surface of Neptune
Composition Liquid Molecular Hydrogen & Helium Highly Compressed Water Heavy Element Core Water on Neptune? = Yes (Liquid)
Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass = Diameter = Tilt = 29.56
Historical Planets Pluto
Pluto Year = 248 Earth Years Pluto Day = 6.39 Earth Days
Surface of Pluto Atmosphere = Very Thin Nitrogen Carbon Monoxide Temperature = -387 degrees Fahrenheit
Composition Frozen Ices of Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Water, & Heavy Element Rocks Water on Pluto? Yes (Solid)
Two New Moons of Pluto?
Distance From Sun = AU Earth Mass =.002 Diameter =.18 Tilt = 118
Xena & Gabrielle 10 th Planet??? 1.5 times as big as Pluto