1 ◈ Egypt, Jordan, Morocco: Real willingness to benefit from the CDM opportunities Unequal capacities to address CDM issues Significant capacity development needs Crucial need for concrete actions Project development NA & ME Region Characteristics of the countries involved
2 Overall objective of the project for the region Allow the countries to maximize the benefits resulting from the new opportunities offered by the Clean Development Mechanism to implement projects that meet their priority development needs
3 The Regional Dimension The project allows to benefit from the synergies among the three countries The Regional Centre will promote the exchange among the three countries The three countries will also benefit from the synergies with the other 3 regions (9 other countries) involved in the project
4 The Global Dimension of the project The project allows to benefit from the work (background documents and manuals) to be undertaken by the URC and the Regional Centres: Regulatory, Legal issues Financial and technical issues Institutional issues (DNA, etc.) Sustainable Development issues Baselines
5 Expected results for the three countries Improved regulatory frameworks to attract CDM Investments Functioning national CDM entities (Designated National Authorities) Stakeholder awareness on CDM and capacity to handle project cycle activities Pipelines of eligible CDM projects
6 Major expected outputs in the region in 2003 Five DRAFT background documents to be ready by end-August September 2003 : Regional WS on Regulatory and Legal issues. Also discussion on technical and financial guidelines September 2003 : National Workshops on Regulatory and Legal issues DNA establishment
7 Major expected outputs in the region in December 2003 : Regional WS on Baseline determination December 2003-January 2004 : National Workshops on Baseline determination Preparation of a set of CDM eligible projects