Resourcing Information
FundView: a searchable resourcing information tool New Zealand’s primary source of resourcing information for community groups and voluntary organisations Lists around 1200 resourcing opportunities Sources: government, local authorities, trusts statutory, philanthropic trusts and gaming trusts; service and social enterprise organisations Updated daily.
Mainly grants and funds: do not have to be repaid. Funders: Government; local authorities; philanthropic and gaming trusts; service and social enterprise organisations. Funded activity includes: administration costs, building redevelopment, salaries, volunteer expenses, equipment, furniture. Types of funding
Community, sport or voluntary. Groups, teams, organisations and clubs. Apply to different funds according to relevant criteria. Who can apply?
Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund: for rural sport clubs and rural school teams with young people 5-19 years who require subsidies to assist with transport expenses to regular local sporting competitions. Guy Waddel Charitable Trust: to assist organisations who provide for the welfare of the elderly within the Southland area, particularly Bluff and Invercargill. Examples
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