Mr. Roger Jacobson What I teach: Computing in the Modern World Fundamentals of Web Design Advanced Web Design
What is… All That?
Students Are Learning About… Basic Computer Hardware Basic Computer Software Networking Basic programming Skills Basic Web Design Techniques Advanced Web Design Techniques Fundamental Business Skills
What Can Students Achieve? End of Pathway Assessment This is given after the 3 rd class in the pathway A National Certification Before Leaving High School
Students have fun learning Learning About Algorithms Building The Robots Before Programming Them
Every WEDNESDAY is Business Attire Day! For extra credit, dress in business attire on Wednesdays
FBLA Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) It is Co-Curricular Activity and is integrated into class besides being an after school activity. Students learn about many different business topics including leadership, teamwork, and work ethics.
Leadership Skills What does it take to be a leader? o Organization o Attitude o Perception o Work Ethic o Abilities o Goals
Community Service What types of community service? o Campus Cleanup o Working booth at Elementary Carnivals Face Painting, jumpy monitor, work in food area o March of Dimes Walk
Compete and WIN Are you the best? Compete against MCSD students & other region & state students to make it to NATIONALS – Best Chapter in Region, 14 students qualified for Nationals, and 3 teams were in the top three at the Nationals!!!!
Membership Local, State, and National Dues Fundraisers to assist with future cost T-shirts will be available
Monthly Meetings Every 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday!
TOP 10 REASONS TO JOIN FBLA! 10. Become part of the largest student business organization in the world. 9. Meet new people and make new friends all across the country. 8. Earn Community Service Hours. 7. Travel to exciting places like California, Florida, and Tennessee (while staying in awesome hotels!). 6. Win Cold Hard CASH and shiny trophies at competitions. Why not get more than a grade while your in the class already. 5. Become a better leader and speaker. 4. Learn valuable skills useful in the real world. 3. The memories and experiences will last your entire life. 2. Be rewarded for your efforts and hard work 1. Have Fun!!!
Teacher Contact: School Phone: Best time to reach me at school: 2pm – 4pm, I have planning 4 th block and can be reached both during that block and after school.
Stay Informed: School Website: Student grades – Infinite Campus (link on the Shaw Web Site or the Muscogee County Website)